Monday, October 22, 2007

Unmatched Socks...

Can't stop sneezing. Allergies are great.

What's wrong with the Eagles? I can't fathom it. They might need a shakeup.

Why did I just hear about Tara Reid? Didn't she officially go away?

Getting up in the dark is the worst. It reminds me I spend most of my day in artificial light.

I enjoy family parties. I wish there were more. Happy birthday, Julia.

If you're not enraged, you're not paying attention.

Isn't it amazing that companies actually build there products to break, so you'll buy again. That's crooked to me.

Throw out those unmatched socks, their mates ain't coming back.

Mumbling away,

- What a BS study.
- Want one!
- This is hilarious.
- Optical illusion.

Reader Submissions
- Oh my! Scary foods. (Thanks Casey)
- This is a famous internet meme. The guy is great. (Casey again!)
- Is this funny? (SHAMAN)
- Mirror prank. (I forgot who sent me this, remind me so I can credit you.)
- People Falling Down. (Stairatme)



There's a reason they're called The Band...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Number 1: That cardboard box thing was the most horrible thing I've seen since the guy putting a german shepard in a trash compactor.
Number 2: Each sock has a matching mate... I just didn't feel like looking for them. I had 2 socks with the same color scheme...I think that's good enough on a lazy sunday!
Number 3: Would you like to hold my invisible baby? But don't worry... it was adopted. I was never pregnant so there's no need to turn back time and go punch me in the stomach.
OH MY GOODNESS!!! I just realized that SOCKS sounds like SHOCKS...Remember that time we went to the eagles game and you were the train conductor of electricty?