Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Spooky Politicians

So I watched the democratic debate last night which I almost had a chance to go to. I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed watching it. AS I was watching, I worte down some thoughts to share with you here:

The Hilary Clinton mask was the top selling mask for Halloween.

The boys teamed up on her to discredit her....I think ignoring her would be better.

Why is the current administration removing funds from the NIH(National Institutes of Health) and giving it to faith based initiatives?! That makes me nuts.

Walmart fought against inspecting containers that came into the country and now we have all these bad Chinese imports? I think Kucinich made that reference.

Speaking of Kucinich, he said he saw a UFO. Nice. Also, I think he's just in this race to push the impeachment issue out there, not run for office.

Did Biden remove the plugs? I hope so, because he's gonna look bad soon. Also, he's mean.

Edwards did nothing but drawl.

Hilary didn't answer the question about giving Drivers Licenses to Illegals. Even when asked to a second time.

Ron Paul supporters at the Democratic Rally!

Hilary could make a good president, unfortunately she's losing her soul in this race to the prize.

The last thing I thought about as it came to a close was: Could I do this? Could I run for a political office? I think I could. Until my opponent finds this blog and outs my lesbian daughter. Wait....what?

pressin' the flesh,

- True, true.
- This will make your day.
- Sunshine. (Thanks, Mike)
- First ever picture of a tornado. Creepy.
- Oh my gosh.
- Vajayjay has been legitimized.
- These are awesome.
- You read it here first. Check the dates.
- This is great news!
- Rap Snacks!
- Can structures.
- Amazing!
- Lots of cool stuff today.
- I didn't realize history repeated itself so quickly.
- Shopped?
- That's a lot of people.
- It's a cake!
- This guy is hilarious! Lots of bad language.
- Spotted dick! Pork faggots?
- Sooooo, no WMDs? Again?
- Ideal candidate.

The Misfits! Monster Mash!


A' said...

re: preteens fishnets see the movie wild in the streets (1968)or check the wikipedia site. The teen revolutionaries of those days are today's GOP.

thewster said...

unfortunately netflix doesnt offer it so Ill never see the movie...

But these costumes are for 12 and 13 year olds!