Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Droopy McCool

If you know who Droopy McCool is, you are a nerd.

Ugh. I stayed up until 11:30-45 last night watching the Rockies and the Padres duke it out to see who faces the Phillies. It was the 13th and neither team had scored a run in about 5 innings. Boring, I wanted to go to sleep, but I put so much time into watch a non Philadelf game.

Needless to say I shut my eyes figuring I would hear any progress. Let me tell you what, the sound of a baseball game that I wasn't emotionally invested in put me to sleep better than anything I've ever experienced. Well, except for one other thing.

Okay, lots of links today and A NEW POLL!

2 outs in the ninth,

Political in case you want to skip them
- This is shocking.
- Ooooooo we're so close. Just one more push!
- Does anyone know for godsakes?!
- Giuliani needs to shutup. $9.11(I know, not his idea)
- FoxNews. Do they actually report anything other than their own opinions?
- I like Slick Willie.
- Thats a lot of money and I want Mars!

Sorry bout that... I had some backup
- Sweet Dee! My eyes!
- Astronomy!
- I'm not sure if this is awesome or ugly.
- Atta boy!
- Want one!
- This is all the internet is good for.
- Tom Cruise building '£5m bunker to protect against alien attack. I have nothing to add.
- That pisses me off.
- Beautiful.
- Wasn't that the lizard from the beginning of NBA Jam?!

- Holy crap that's funny. (Regcrusher)
- Something to aspire to, I guess. (Thanks, Colin)

The Winner of the much maligned Thewster! the Musical inaugural vote off.

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