Monday, February 18, 2008

Late Edition

So this is the first post I'm writing after dark. Nice. I guess.

I like writing these in the morning when my brain is fresh and scrambled. What should I write about? I need suggestions from you guys and gals.

Here are your links....junkies.


- For you Lost nuts....
- Crazy legos.
- Beautiful.
- If you wanted to see what the Cloverfield monster looks like in toy form.
- Oh. Vomitous.
- Lucky bastards.
- More beauty.

WEIGHT - 259.8
Aimee Mann
Save Me


Anonymous said...

I agree, Valentine's Day is just another way for consumers to buy, buy, buy.

thewster said...

sometimes to me it seems to be at the expense of a demographic whether it be the singles or the couples.

Its like the Tanzianian tribe that believes that every time your picture is taken it takes a piece of your soul.

Except it's your expression of emotion, exploited by Hallmark.