Monday, December 31, 2007

New Year

So this year I will actually have some resolutions....well, one.

I want to lose at least 50 pounds and keep it off. I've made this attempt several times but this time I will be trying something new. I am going to post my weight on the blog for the world to see with every new post. Hopefully this constant reminder will help me to A) See progress, B) Not to let myself regret and C) To (hopefully) get encouragement when there is progress made.

I'll have the first posting on Wednesday, and I'll be trying to get some kind of widget to graph it out and such.

Getting in my last desserts,


- A list of "Best of" lists for 07.
- Loonys.
- "Jerks" of the year. (Maybe NSFW language.)
- HAHA....creepy.
- China legislates reincarnation. (that's the actual story.)
- I was going to post something here made by those "God hates Fags" people, but I decided not to even give them the traffic.
- I actually bought someone the giant remote for Xmas.

Mazzy Star -This is one of my favorite songs ever and I was going to post the regular video, but then I saw this one. I think you'll agree without seeing the other one that this is much better:

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