Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Financial Education

With all these mortgages going bust and the debt problem spiraling out of control, I wondered with a friend the other day why Americans are getting themselves into these bad debt situations.

I don't even have a credit card. I know that I don't know enough about money to get one and I wondered, personal finance is maybe the most important life skill one can have. What I don't understand, and maybe this is already happening, is why personal finance skills are not a mandatory course in high school. I say high school, because not everyone attends college, or can afford it.

I think I need to go get a personal finance for dummies book now.


- Speed Racer movie trailer.
- If you haven't played Portal yet, read this. It's short.
- The salaries of the floundering Philadelphia Eagles. They're all overpaid except for Westbrook, who is underpaid.
- Bye bye, CompUSA.
- Holy epidemic, Batman.
- Maglite collection.
- Why I got Fired. Page 24 is amazing.
- It's no wonder the housing market is up for a readjustment.
- Peeps! Shigs?
- Oh sweet lord, yes!
- Interesting that mankinds greatest accomplishments were done on the backs of slaves. The kids are funny, too.
- Street Fighter IV!
- Olbermann knows how to effectively and eloquently express my rage.
- Useless talent.
- Boooooooooooooooo.
- What a champ.
- Killer Bean.
- Oh man.... that's bad.

The Benevento/Russo Duo These two are sick. If you are a fan of Radiohead, search youtube for them doing Myxomatosis


Anonymous said...

dad could have a sick flashlight collection like that, since he basically has 100 of them.

thewster said...

Maglites aren't strong enough for him....he needs MILLION CANDLELIGHT!