Friday, September 28, 2007

Week Wrap-up

Some talk about the blog:

Thanks to all 3 OF YOU, who actually checked the music showdown blog and voted. Jerks

I want to try to do a consistent themed post for Fridays. One blog I love has Phillies Phlashback Phriday. Check out sexy Desi Relaford. Speaking of the Phillies do you know they are TIED FOR FIRST!

This might be the first Friday in a while that I'm not hungover. Hooray!

I need more comments out of you guys. The thing that will make the site great is READER participation. So keep sending me those links and comment your delicate little hearts out.

Oh and this guy sucks. And while searching for that picture, I found this....sweet McGillicudy, WHY?

- HAHAHAHAHA. Take that Boston. Fightin' Phils!!
- This game will be sick.
- Awwwwww. It really sucks when someone does it to you huh, Bill?
More Bjork.
I love this song and the simplicity of this video.

Iiiiiiii just want to tell you how I'm feeling....


Anonymous said...

Thank you for adding that the Jimmy Dean Sunshine sucks! He really really does. I know he's "sunshine" and all but does he have to be so gosh darn cheery? I mean COME ON!! Rainbow wants to lose weight.. don't force her to eat your food! Maybe she's trying to be a vegetarrean for goodness sake! GOSH! The world does not revolve around the sun...i mean...

thewster said...

I mean. He looks down on people if they don't eat Jimmy's sausages. The sun is a bastard.