Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Sorry for the delays in posting folks....Ive been too drunk with the idea that the Phils now have a shot at the series....its blowing my mind!


- Name that beer!
- Look how they are spending our bailout money!
- Brave New World will be directed by Ridley Scott!
- My favorite thing ever!
- Cool refrigerator!
- Way to go, Palin!
- This is mildly amusing!!!!
- I wanna ride in this plane!
- Walmart grows like a fungus!
- Lil O'Reilly is the funniest thing I've seen in awhile!
- Fring is awesome if you have an IPhone! I don't. :(

Breakfast in America
"Take a look at my girlfriend...she's the only one I got."

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