Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Hey Folks,

Sorry I've been a little lackadaisical in posting lately, but I post A LOT of stuff for you and you can always check the archives for the other 154 posts you may have missed.

Onto the Eagles.

That game last night was AMAZING, and while the Eagles lost at the end after 7(!) lead changes, we can rest safe in the confidence of knowing how good this team is and that we probably saw a preview of a playoff matchup.

Very exciting.


- Famous treks.
- Palin. Palin. McCain. Palin? No...Gershon.
- Make sure you check the website name.
- Seriously.....come on.
- Congratulations American banks, you are screwing the American people and saving the foreigners.
- Well we've got our security....what did we trade for it?
- Hey folks.....thewster's birthday/Christmas is coming up.

Regina Spektor
N.B.: She did an interpretation of the Weeds title song. Check it out.


Anonymous said...

Regina Spektor... excellent choice. Check out Adele.

PS Did you check out Tina Fey's impression of Palin on SNL?

thewster said...

Who is Adele?

Yes and I thought she was spot on with her impression.

Seriously Liz, ask her about dinosaurs.

Anonymous said...

Hmm i sense a guest music post...