Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Arthur C. Clarke


- SNL is still funny. MacGruber!
- Look what we can do.
- Freedom Boarding.
- St Patrick's jerks.
-Ha ha! Your medium is dying.
- New Philly skyscraper will be tallest in country and hemisphere.
- Obama's wonderful speech.
- Touching.
- That's not good.
- Cool.
- What are we teaching children?! She's a hero, don't punish her.
- This completely expresses my sentiment on these things.
- Is this real?
- Hey! Look at that. Some good news!
- Look what we can do.
- This is frickin' crazy.
- Crzy azns.

WEIGHT - 263 St Pattys Day weekend put a hurtin' on me
The Muppets
Mahna Mahna
Something silly today.

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