Monday, December 8, 2008

Year end!

Okay year end is coming up and with that and all the Chrismissy festivites happening I eventually manage to squeeze in my "10 Best New Albums of the Year" list, which many people pretend to like.

So I am working on it now and if you have any submissions, I'd love to hear from ya....put em in the comments.


P.S. Water Tower BBall makes me sore as hell.

- Wonderful news!
- A revival for the White Russian.
- Geek hotels.
- How we should bail out these companies.
- Ben Stein is dumb dumb dumb. Roger Ebert's still got it.
- Cool!
- 10 best books of 08 - NYT
- "You ain't the Dukes of Hazard!"
- Cool!
- We'll miss you too!
- This guy has it right. These companies don't care about their stakeholders.

Mr. Gnome
"Night of the Crickets"
JUST found this band

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