Thursday, May 1, 2008


Everyone has some sort of advice. With instant information at everyone's fingertips, everyone thinks they are an expert in something or everything. Is it becoming worse than it was? I feel like I always get lots of "You should do this" or "That'll never work, try it this way". But when I do I get nowhere or progress reverses.

Thinking about this I began to wonder if I was committing the same egregious act. Was I sputtering utter nonsense when it wasn't solicited?

I'm gonna pay attention to that over the next couple of days.


LINKS - I'm going to forgo the names of contributers for now because there aren't enough.

- Portable NES!
- These are crazy... with Manson's (obviously) being the craziest.
- WANT ONE - (Posted into the comments by anonymous. Thanks, stranger.)
- This movie looks cool.
- Dastardly disturbing.
- Simply brilliant design.

WEIGHT - 259
I loved this band.....sadly only one studio album. This is actually one of my favorite songs ever.


Anonymous said...

i was missing my thewster yesterday

Anonymous said...

You might like this too