Friday, November 30, 2007


This morning on the way into work I saw a sticker of Uncle Sam putting electrodes up to the face of Osama Bin Laden. The construction truck also had a multitude of ribbons and the statement that "Freedom isn't Free". I am appalled that people in this country are, first, OK with torture, but worse the fact that they are proud of our use of it enough to let me know as I ride behind them.

"Freedom isn't free, we just gotta waterboard people, illegally detain some, and setup up domestic spying on u.s. citizens. Also we had to get rid of Habeas Corpus."

If ignorance is bliss, then knock the smile off my face.

If we don't take action now
We settle for nothing later
Settle for nothing now
And we'll settle for nothing later


- Is this the pitching the Phillies think they need?!
- Congratulations....I guess.
- Big surprise....betcha he gets off too.
- Crazy waste of time...the real beach is mere meters away!
- If you want snow, DON'T LIVE IN TEXAS!
- Fun brain teasers.
- If they are going to make mistakes, at least don't act like children and own up to them.
- Beautiful.
- Martian moon.
- OK, he must be officially deluded!
- Great pictures. More.


Mark Ronson feat. Lily Allen FUNKY!

BONUS! Nada Surf!
I'm a quarterback...Im popular.


Anonymous said...

Re : Phillies - remember the Sox releases JC Romero !


thewster said...

Romero had SOME success in the league beforehand though...

Anonymous said...

um i really like ur links.
its better then doing homework.
your page is coooool!
my birthday's sundayy! woohoo

Anonymous said...

on "officially deluded"...

So historians may be right..maybe he will be considered the worst American president..but do we really need him to admit it to be satisfied or get some laughs Will anything change if he admits his errors?

Anonymous said...

Good song choice-- love lily allen!
and love the new layout!

thewster said...

Well, I think as a leader its more important to know and acknowledge your faults, and address them, to show people you can make things better. Denying them means you think you either can never be wrong or that you wont correct your mistakes.

Anonymous said...

good point but dont you think he's trying to make things better already...he wouldn't purposely neglect the duties he sworn into..or would he? the end though, the opinions won't change for the better he admits anything... So how will he benefit? And what, if anything will change?