Friday, November 9, 2007

Luck o the Irish

I will be going to Ireland in May. I am so excited. Last night, we started drilling down the details of where we want to stay, costs, and destinations. Some places I definitely wont be missing:

The Cliffs of Moher

The Blarney Stone! and Blarney castle.

St. James Gate Brewery(Yummy Guinnesses)

Anybody have any other ideas...gonna be there for 10 days! Hopefully I'll have my own pictures to show you then.
- Speaking of Guinness (iheartmediocrity)
- Lazy congress. (iheartmediocrity again)
- Take that jerk!
- This is silly. (iheartmediocrity is on a roll! With butter!)
- Tenuous Bastard.
- Peter Griffin is real!
- Hooray! It's back!
- Cool, exotic pets.
- Who's gonna drive that?
- I don't know the answer, but banning it doesn't seem to be the way to go.
- That's crazee.
- He Man movie going's video proof. (patchygrl)
- All you need to know about Intelligent Design (shudder).
- That's not quite Bullitt.
- HAHA. Shopped.
- Does that mean I can drop them in the pool whenever I want?
- Pot calling the kettle black.
- Broken camera takes better pictures.
- Clever.
- Dumb. (regcrusher)
- Cool cars.

LL Cool J

Mamma Said Knock You Out! Have a good weekend, all.

1 comment:

Behan01 said...

The ring of kerry is great. The general post office in dublin is an interesting historical sight. Newgrange outside dublin is also an interesting historical sight, but I wouldn't go too far out of the way.