Thursday, February 12, 2009

It's been awhile.

Yeah with having the flu and crazy work travel, I've found it hard to sit and do it.

I'll try to get it out more. Remember, comments are like applause.


- History of the ShamWow dude.
- I'm getting this dog, I swear.
- I like this......she's from The Dresden Dolls.
- HAHAHA. Poofling.
- This is REALLY well done.
- Neat, but some actually Batgirl.
- Hey Giants Fans! Here's your number 1 fan!
- New Indian Jones game!
- AMAZING Joaquin? Phoenix interview on Letterman. Letterman's my hero.
- Get me one.
- Amazing concept.
- Cool space stuff.
- Associated Press are a bunch of dicks.
- This football player is amazing.
- Would honestly make a great gift.
- Heroic tale.
- This is why you're fat.
- Naughty President.

Bambo Banga
I'm sure you've heard the Paper Planes song unless you've been living under a rock, but MIA fires in your ear with a ferocity and sound you'll likely never hear again. Produced by Timbaland methinks...
Get the album if: You like tribal beats, Sri Lankan Hip-hop, don't mind an Indian influence, aren't afraid of unfamiliar music and love to groove with an edge.


Anonymous said...

Clap, clap, clap.

How about a Thewster overview of the Obama adminstration to date, or are you waiting for the first 100 days?

Anonymous said...

Maybe it’s because I’ve been thewster-deprived, but I immensely enjoyed this post! GREAT links and neat song choice!