Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Turtle, turtle

Many of you know I have three turtles. Well, the first one someone bought me then I got the second 2 on my own. They are already officially the oldest pets I have ever had. The first one I got has never grown. He has not grown because he has what is called softshell(leaves them in terrible pain) and he doesn't get to eat because, I found out, the other two bully him for all the food.

Now I think due to this Cooter has been close to deaths door. So I cant stand to just let him die so I took him to the vet. Now this is what I really wanted to tell you about. My roommate was happy I was taking him, but every other person I told laughed at me. My boss, who sucks, laughed to the point where conversation stopped, for like 10 - 15 seconds.

I'm not usually offended but in the time between writing that last paragraph and starting this one my boss came up to me and joked about making turtle soup out of them. Imagine if I came up to you and asked if you were going to make Chinese food out of your sick cat. While I love offensive humor and (i.e.) tasteless Terry Schiavo jokes , I would NEVER tell them to her parents. Not that human= turtle.

Heroes in a half shell.

- I've been telling you Battlestar Galactica is amazing.
- What percentage of military deaths came after "Mission Accomplished"?
- Well at least Bush was genuinely sympathetic....Cheney is just a monster.
- That's crazy.
- Whose pictures do you think this pictures is made out of?
- Man, I must be trying to piss people off today.
- Most controversial political ads in history. I like the LBJ one.
- Real Life Homer. Creepy. Check this Famous Art depicted in the Simpsons.
- That's absurd. But monitor your damn children online!
- These are great.
- How much?
- All South Park episodes. Online. For free. And it's legal!
- And some think I'm geeky for having 2 monitors.
- Beautiful.
- Snake eyes!
- Someone who is a fan of this White House explain this to does this happen?
- Whoa!
- Caste systems.
- Aurora Borealis from space.
- What?!
- Another map of the internets.
- Mary Todd was a bitch.

WEIGHT - Enough where I plan on spending 2 hours at the gym today.
The Raconteurs
Salute Your Solution
New album out yesterday

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

post that.
hahaha. good links.