Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Smurfs Movie

Seriously, Hollywood has run out of ideas. A Smurfs movie? I watched the smurfs as akid and I tell you this: not feature length material. There are thousands of smurfs and their languague consists of replacing any and every word with the word: "smurf". They are all named smurf with some minor variation. Example: "Smurfy day to you Smurfette, did you smurf the smurfing smurf the other smurf? It was smurfy." Great. Two hours of that. Box Office Gold.

Hollywood has shown this year that they can produce new ideas even if they are based on books, especially lately with the glut of fantasy movies based on kids books thanks to Harry Potter. I just hope this writers strike doesnt make the movie business as stale as TV already pretty much is.


- GLOBAL WARMING!!!!!!!!!!!!! (each word is a different link)
- This might be the coolest thing I've ever seen.
- Looks a little to bouncy still but this is just test footage. Use the force, Vader.
- Nader is a conniving jerk.
- Master's Cup photography.
- Uh oh Dad, maybe this means good players are wuitting and you can up your handicap.
- Cool mazes.
- It was better when they just removed the balloons and added a real cat, it was sad and tragic, but this just makes Jon look crazy.
- I hope this is a joke.
- Keep watching....AWESOME!
- Sweet...I can keep my mane.
- Cool furniture.

MUSIC - Guest DJ - iheartmediocrity
Yael Naim
New Soul
Very unique voice.


A' said...

I guess Al Gore will have to give back his Oscar.

Damn rich republicans are behind every conspiracy.

Wuitting - is that smurf for quitting?

thewster said...

smurf for quitting is "Smurfing".

A' said...

Oh Smurf it.

I hate the word verification. Why the smurf is it there?

thewster said...

It prevents spamming which can ruin a blogs comment section

Behan01 said...

I always wonder about meetings where stuff like a smurf movie gets pitched. There's a room of executives and their "assistants", all probably making more than I'll ever make in a year, and no one has the sense to put the brakes on the smurf movie? Do you think so doctor?

Anonymous said...

good call with dad's whole handicap thing. he'll get right back on track.

and i knew about yael naim before you did! haha i beat you.