Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Ding Fries Are Done....

A festive video for you to love, while I write and construct my Year End Best Albums of 2007....


- Banksy.
- Cool clouds.
- The 1984 "Thought Crime" bill.
- I like that Huckabee KNOWS what Jesus would do while everybody trying to figure out WWJD.
- Beautiful droplets.
- Minesweeper expert.
- Cinematic verbal beatdowns.
- The second one and last one are my favorite.
- I may be repeating here, but this cracks me up.
- It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is the funniest show on TV. (VERY NSFW)
- O'Brien's a cool dude.
- More of Bush's buddies trying to cover their ass. Cowards.
- History of Fantasy Football. Interesting.
- Cool, LEGAL, street art.

Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds - #41

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