So this year I will actually have some resolutions....well, one.
I want to lose at least 50 pounds and keep it off. I've made this attempt several times but this time I will be trying something new. I am going to post my weight on the blog for the world to see with every new post. Hopefully this constant reminder will help me to A) See progress, B) Not to let myself regret and C) To (hopefully) get encouragement when there is progress made.
I'll have the first posting on Wednesday, and I'll be trying to get some kind of widget to graph it out and such.
Getting in my last desserts,
- A list of "Best of" lists for 07.
- Loonys.
- "Jerks" of the year. (Maybe NSFW language.)
- HAHA....creepy.
- China legislates reincarnation. (that's the actual story.)
- I was going to post something here made by those "God hates Fags" people, but I decided not to even give them the traffic.
- I actually bought someone the giant remote for Xmas.
Mazzy Star -This is one of my favorite songs ever and I was going to post the regular video, but then I saw this one. I think you'll agree without seeing the other one that this is much better:
Monday, December 31, 2007
New Year
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Friday, December 28, 2007
R.I.P. Bhutto
I'm sure you've heard that Benazir Bhutto has been assassinated. Since the recent trouble in Pakistan I had become endeared with her courage, intellect and drive. Yesterday was a sad day for democracy and human kind.
- McNabb will hang around.
- Success in Iraq.
- Funny and embarrassing.
- Cringeworthy.
- Whoa.
- Largest Diamond in existence is bigger than the earth?!
- A fiction book written in 1923 frightens Bush.
- 555 Billion.
- We're not as shallow as you think, ladies.
Blogger is acting like a jerk lately. More on Monday.
The Soulsavers featuring Mark Lanegan...Haunting as hell....Revival
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Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Empty Workplace
There is NO ONE at work today. I work in the corporate headquarters of a major American company where most of the people here are "head" of something. Seriously, it's 300 window offices and my cubicle.
So what I am thinking is that, NOTHING will get done today. Or for the rest of this week, so why is ANYONE here?
Why am I here?
Wow, this turned existential.
- Ummmmm...what?
- This is sweet.
- Flippy McFlipperson
-HellBoy 2 trailer.
My Morning Jacket - Cousin It is their lead singer.
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Monday, December 24, 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007
I'm a Superhero
With the air getting drier and drier, my fear of doorknobs and light switches is growing. The static electricity I am emitting right now is unbelievable. And they aren't little shocks, they are huge, huge sparks. Like when guys solder things. I need to put on a suit and shuffle around on carpets and fight crime.
This is what I look like at least 10 times a day.
Holding onto a fork,
- Wake up!
- Cool!
- How many five year olds can you take in a fight?
- Michael J. Fox is awesome.
- Kind of creepy and the garage sticks out too far.
- Will Farrell and the Green Team. NSFW language.
- Today's cuteness.
- The penguin. How else would he get rid of the incriminating evidence?
- I can't imagine why...
Tho Who - We're all WASTED!
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Wednesday, December 19, 2007
The Dark Knight
How great does this look!!!!!
And Maggie Gyllenhaal to boot!
- I like this guy's blog.
- I understand protesting the hunts, but the hats?
- That. Is. AWESOME!
- Why are so many conservatives trying to subvert the most important document ever? Defending the Constitution IS defending America's security, JACKASS.
- How much?
- Whoa. Make sure you zoom in.
- White House wants to veto.
- This is amazing footage.
- Im sorry bout all the political links lately, It's just.....there's so many things wrong right now.
- Way to go Dirty Jerse!
- This is from the videogame Crysis...their physics engine is unbelieveable.
- I can't believe Spaceballs predicted this.
- Will Smith's next one looks pretty good.
- I just shook my head in exasperation thinking of something snarky to say about this.
- This might make your day.
- Wait, wait, WAIT! Cheney still OWNS Halliburton stock?!
- It was a war crime in '47?
- Whoa.
- LOST RETURNS IN A MONTH. My prayers have been answered. First off I'd like to thank Jesus......
The Police - I love this song
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Monday, December 17, 2007
Delusions of Godeur
I saw this political cartoon this morning and it got me thinking. What happened to the separation of church and state? Freedom of religion also means freedom from religion.
Let me start off by asking some simple philosophical questions. If one person believes in a Christian God (and I won't get into the differences between a Lutheran and catholic and episcopal god, but there are differences) , and one person believes in a Hindu God, doesn't that mean one of them is COMPLETELY wrong? Ergo, that will then mean that one of them is Godless and worships a "false idol". So which one? Maybe both? Is it worth drilling down to figure it out? Seems to me a waste of time, and also that, based on their religious beliefs, we cannot judge their aptitude for leadership.
When a person wins something, whether it be an Oscar, the Lombardi trophy or a political election, many of these people say,"first, I would like to thank God..." Why? You think God is pulling for you to win the Super Bowl while atrocities are still committed across the globe? Do us a favor and thank yourself and the PEOPLE that support you.
My favorite person in the world, George Bush, said God talks to him and instructs him how to act. In which communicae did God instruct him to allow torture?
I'd like to thank God for this great article, for making my little blog better than all the other little blogs out there.
makin' ya uncomfortable,
- Who says videogames are useless. This kid is awesome.
- He's complicit! Didn't he own the Rangers at the height of steroid abuse? He didn't take any steps to stop it then.
- Okay, this will make your day. Or maybe this. Or this. IF those didn't do it, this definitely will.
- HAHA. Giving him the business.
- 30 Rock is amazing, scratch that, PURE GENIUS...they slipped this past the censors...and you probably wont get it either.
- Interesting.
- Mike Huckabee is an alien, trying to control the planet! Oh and apparently and asshole too.
- Sci Fi you should read.
- Actually yes, we should be above torture.
Hole - Courtney Love's band. Their first album is the first album I loved from back to front (that wasn't classic rock.) Go get it and listen. Their later stuff sucks (over produced). This is what grunge was.
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Friday, December 14, 2007
Why is it so DAMN hot in my office? Its just cold out people. Why do we complain in the summer about the temperature that we set the interior temperature to in the winter?
Melting Away,
- No way! No WAY.
- That's hilarious. You're gonna dieeeeeee!
- This guy is awesome.
- And they should also be made to cover their head and face!
- Marty! It's the Libyans!
- 'Cuz he's an expert. I agree with him tho'.
Not much today, sorry.
Beatsiebeatsiebeatsie Boys....
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Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Financial Education
With all these mortgages going bust and the debt problem spiraling out of control, I wondered with a friend the other day why Americans are getting themselves into these bad debt situations.
I don't even have a credit card. I know that I don't know enough about money to get one and I wondered, personal finance is maybe the most important life skill one can have. What I don't understand, and maybe this is already happening, is why personal finance skills are not a mandatory course in high school. I say high school, because not everyone attends college, or can afford it.
I think I need to go get a personal finance for dummies book now.
- Speed Racer movie trailer.
- If you haven't played Portal yet, read this. It's short.
- The salaries of the floundering Philadelphia Eagles. They're all overpaid except for Westbrook, who is underpaid.
- Bye bye, CompUSA.
- Holy epidemic, Batman.
- Maglite collection.
- Why I got Fired. Page 24 is amazing.
- It's no wonder the housing market is up for a readjustment.
- Peeps! Shigs?
- Oh sweet lord, yes!
- Interesting that mankinds greatest accomplishments were done on the backs of slaves. The kids are funny, too.
- Street Fighter IV!
- Olbermann knows how to effectively and eloquently express my rage.
- Useless talent.
- Boooooooooooooooo.
- What a champ.
- Killer Bean.
- Oh man.... that's bad.
The Benevento/Russo Duo These two are sick. If you are a fan of Radiohead, search youtube for them doing Myxomatosis
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Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Best Albums of 2007
Let me preface this list by saying that not all of these albums came out in 2007. I am qualifying these albums as ones I've found within the last year. It may take some albums awhile to get to my ears, so I don't want to count albums out just because they were officially released in 2007.
Now that I've said that I've also noticed that 2007 wasn't a GREAT year for music...lots of transition going on...scattered releases and lots of unknowns. These are the albums I liked the most over the last year. Enjoy:
10. Into the Wild - Eddie Vedder
The "solo" album from EV but also the soundtrack to a film of the same name made by Sean Penn. Many consider this to be the solo album. I consider it an excellent soundtrack to a movie. You can hear why EV is REALLY talented, a must have for any fan and a calm, troubled, defiant statement on separation from society.
9. Because of the Times - Kings of Leon
The Kings of Leon are getting better and better and better. Their last album, Aha Shake Heartbreak, is one of the best albums I've ever heard. It bounced, wailed and danced. This one is interesting because, while it may not be as good as the last one its a perfect example of how a great band progresses instead of more of the same. And its better then most of anything that the record companies release. When I come back to this album later, it could become even better.
8. Dethalbum - Dethklok
This album comes from the show, "Metalocalypse" on Adult Swim. Now I am NOT a big fan of heavy metal but not since I started watching the show. The show essentially lampoons heavy metal, yet every 15 minute show has a good portion of a seriously heavy metal song and you know what? They're good....real good. I'd say that this fake heavy metal band has continued in spirit what Spinal Tap was doing
7. The Reminder - Feist
Here's some juxtapostion for you....look it up.
If you haven't heard of her you are living under a rock....the rest of the album is just as charming as the following song.
6. Era Vulgaris - Queens of the Stone Age
One of my favorite bands, so I may be biased here. Funny thing about this album is I didn't like it at first. I was seriously upset that this album wasn't matching up to the greatness of all their other albums. Luckily a friend(edonzo) couldn't stop saying how it was better than their older albums. So I just put it on at work over and over and over andover again. I love it know. They're coming to take me away, haha!
5. Everything All the Time/Cease to Begin - Band of Horses
I'm listing this bands first two, and only, albums as I think they are a perfect one, two punch. Ethereal, driving, and glorious you may have cought these guys on a previous post here. I love 'em and I think they have a bright future ahead of them. This is another album/band that are a little hard to grasp at first but once you do its all cream cheese and watermelon from then on.
4. Carnavas - Silversun Pickups
I can't tell anybody enough about this band and you must know. Another one you have seen SEVERAL times here. Unique vocals, noisy feedback, well crafted, furious drumming. Listen enough and you'll be hearing the riffs in your head as you walk around.
3. All This Time - The Heartless Bastards
This is a band I just found recently thanks to NPR. And I'm also noticing my last 3 picks have been very indie matter.
The lead singer has this seventies songstress aspect to her voice that I adore. They're only a 3 piece band and yet they can explode with fury and slink back into quieter measures. I'm excited that I just found them and have a lot to explore.
2. Icky Thump - The White Stripes
I think as long as The White Stripes release an album, it will be included in my top ten. This band of TWO(!), manage to put forth rock that still rocks and I think they are the only ones doing it in the mainstream. Now granted, I have a mini-crush on Meg White but don't hold this against this review. This is visceral, bang-your-head, break stuff rock. Jack White is the only rock and roller worth a damn anymore. Black, red and white.
1. In Rainbows - Radiohead
This is a masterpiece. Radiohead will influence EVERY band to come for the next 50 years just as the Beatles had done before them. I'm sure you heard about this album as they offered it for what ever price you wanted to pay, even if that was zero dollars. FREE. And it might be the best album I've ever heard. It's flawless. I don't even want to try to describe it to you. Some say this is a companion album to OK Computer, their other masterpiece. I say upon further listenings of this it may overtake OK as their best album. You NEED to own this. Go get it now!
Ok, folks, some notables: Sigur Ros' Live Double Album Hvarf-Heim, M.I.A., Rilo Kiley, Kanye West, Serj Tankian, Aesop Rock, Neil Young's several releases, The Roots, Modest Mouse, Bjork - Volta, Wilco, Xavier Rudd.
What am I missing? Let me know in the comments!
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Ding Fries Are Done....
A festive video for you to love, while I write and construct my Year End Best Albums of 2007....
- Banksy.
- Cool clouds.
- The 1984 "Thought Crime" bill.
- I like that Huckabee KNOWS what Jesus would do while everybody trying to figure out WWJD.
- Beautiful droplets.
- Minesweeper expert.
- Cinematic verbal beatdowns.
- The second one and last one are my favorite.
- I may be repeating here, but this cracks me up.
- It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is the funniest show on TV. (VERY NSFW)
- O'Brien's a cool dude.
- More of Bush's buddies trying to cover their ass. Cowards.
- History of Fantasy Football. Interesting.
- Cool, LEGAL, street art.
Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds - #41
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Monday, December 3, 2007
New Look
So I'm trying a new look for a little while. Please comment and let me know what you think....
I have to tweak it and such. Look for a full post Wednesday.
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