This morning on the way into work I saw a sticker of Uncle Sam putting electrodes up to the face of Osama Bin Laden. The construction truck also had a multitude of ribbons and the statement that "Freedom isn't Free". I am appalled that people in this country are, first, OK with torture, but worse the fact that they are proud of our use of it enough to let me know as I ride behind them.
"Freedom isn't free, we just gotta waterboard people, illegally detain some, and setup up domestic spying on u.s. citizens. Also we had to get rid of Habeas Corpus."
If ignorance is bliss, then knock the smile off my face.
If we don't take action now
We settle for nothing later
Settle for nothing now
And we'll settle for nothing later
- Is this the pitching the Phillies think they need?!
- Congratulations....I guess.
- Big surprise....betcha he gets off too.
- Crazy waste of time...the real beach is mere meters away!
- If you want snow, DON'T LIVE IN TEXAS!
- Fun brain teasers.
- If they are going to make mistakes, at least don't act like children and own up to them.
- Beautiful.
- Martian moon.
- OK, he must be officially deluded!
- Great pictures. More.
Mark Ronson feat. Lily Allen FUNKY!
BONUS! Nada Surf!
I'm a quarterback...Im popular.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Posted by
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Email Addiction
I always heard the news and others mention email addiction. I think I have it. Is there a drug I can take? Seriously though, I might check my email 40-50 times a day. No joke. Now, I am a sysadmin and email is essential to my job but I'm also checking for personal emails.
There's a little rush you get at seeing a new email....just like the rush you got when you were a kid and got something in the mail. I mean, right now, I'm looking at phones that would make it easier to do my email from my phone! Yeah, I think I'm gonna continue with this addiction. With Vigor.
Comment! It sends me email when you do.
Feeding the monkey,
- He's not a nation builder.
- The tiddy bear!
- Cool.
- They should put these on all cars.
- Are we suprised?
- No wonder it popped.
- Haha.
- Speaking of addiction.
- Why aren't we supporting our troops.
- Bean Curd Person of High Skill.
- They should burn it, too.
- Rejected IPOD engravings.
- Oh, sweet!
- The Bill of Rights. Read it and love it.
- Haha.
- Zebras.
- Oh, yeah.... lets put him in the Oval.
- What were those plastic things called?
- Crop circles.
- What's your real age?
- Supes can't stop Global Warming.
Regina Spektor - uplifting and quirky
People have been pointing out to me that I really like the female singers....I tend to agree.
Posted by
Monday, November 26, 2007
I am tired. Who expected the Eagles to give the "greatest team of all time" a run for their money..... Good Eagles football last night.... onto the links
50 dollars richer,
- Crazy school.
- Crazy Ghostbusters gameplay video.
- Crazy nuke pictures.
- Crazy Bill O'Reilly.
- Crazy pastor.
- Crazy wooden PC.
- Crazy Hilary.
- So ridiculous.
- Crazier Bill O'Reilly.
- Crazy Greenspan.
- Crazy liftoff picture.
- Crazy headline.
- Crazy graph.
- Hilary doesn't have it locked up yet.
- Crazy church scandals.
- I would have loved to be there.
- Crazy comic strip.
Serj Tankian, the lead singer of System of a Down...YOU won't like this.
Posted by
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Turkey Day!
Be Back with a HUGE post Monday....
Band of Horses
Posted by
Monday, November 19, 2007
Manners....and viruses.
The lady in the cubicle next to me, I'm assuming, burped, then excused herself but she said it so low that it was for herself. She excused herself for burping in front of.....herself.
Does this answer the question, "If a tree falls in the woods does it make a sound?"
Also, this article has come out recently. See you in a bit. Whats interesting in this article to me is 2 things....
Why are we recreating ancient viruses? I understand we need to study them, but it still sounds like the Jurassic Park conundrum to me. Jeez.
Secondly, when these viruses invaded and changed our DNA, it was millennia ago. Now we fight them all to the end. Back then our bodies learned how to effectively assimilate them them mutate them into harmlessness. Maybe we need to think of a different way of treating viruses, then to try to eliminate but to assimilate.
Could this work for any kind of enemy?
Sick as a dog,
- Cool. (Patchygrl)
- Fans of Chuck Pahalniuk should be happy, but this one looks too weird.
- Fun webtoy.
- Giant mouth.
- Whoa, whoa. We need to save that money for faith-based initiatives and the Iraq(n) wars.
- This is terrible. (shaman)
- Absinthe returns.
- In my line of work, this is frightening.
- I hope he wins. I wanna be the CTO of America.
- Un believable guitar work.
- Why aren't we taking care of our veterans.
- HAHA. (Patchygrl)
- Terrible. There is a price for a's an Iphone touch.
- Alternative argument against a border word.
- Falafel boy is a hypocrite. Real news flash...
- Found him.
- Jerry Lewis exploded!
- I played with every one of these.
- Cool! Current sunlight coverage of the earth.
The Flaming Lips - Race for the Prize
Posted by
Friday, November 16, 2007
Is it just me or does departing Philadelphia mayor John Street look like Janosz from Ghostbusters II?
And speaking of GB2 lookalikes is that Fred Thompson?
- These are our allies?!
Violence against women is deplorable.
No old school today.....just The Greatest
Posted by
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
It seems like everyone is getting married later than our parents these days. As a kid, I always figured I'd be married with at least one kid at this point (I'm 27). I'm curious what the national average vs. the current average age is.
One of the reasons might be that people going to college incur so much debt coming out they are worried to start their married life with that debt. Another may be that divorce, especially for the breadwinner, can be devastating and the level of the divorce rate is so high in this country it may scare people off of matrimony. Many couples aren't even going through with marriage, but just skipping the whole deal.
Ah thats all I got to say today...
Why is it called a bachelor degree?
- What the money wasted in Iraq could buy us.
- Cool steampunk creations.
- Unbelievable photos.
- Agreed.
- Im guessing this a joke.
- Sad and cute.
- Seriously?
- Haha. Dummy.
- She's going to McDonald's.
- Make sure you look at this link.
- Cool.
- What a waste of money.
- Surreal.
- This won't be funny unless you know rap lyrics.
- Gangsta breath spray.
- Neat.
- Dummy.
- How did we let this happen.
- Face Crab! Alien!
- Im convinced that people who were unpopular in school now run them.
- Might be the coolest picture I've ever seen.
- Whoa.
- I woulda cracked up too.
- Make sure you listen to the sound. Creepy.
Most won't like not sure I do but the guitar work is insane.
This is what it looks like on Guitar Hero III....ridiculous.
Posted by
Monday, November 12, 2007
I before E
I hate that I before E crap, neighbor? Weigh? We should just create a new letter to replace everytime i and e are nestled next to one another in a word... like an e with a dot on top...or something.
- Hmmmmmmmmmm.
- That's horrible.
- So we should fund the terrorists in IRAN?! IDIOTS.
- Bye bye, Lindros.
I just found this heard 'em here first...probably....
Beautiful vocal singer, large harmonic guitars, driving guitar.
Posted by
Friday, November 9, 2007
Luck o the Irish
I will be going to Ireland in May. I am so excited. Last night, we started drilling down the details of where we want to stay, costs, and destinations. Some places I definitely wont be missing:
The Cliffs of Moher
The Blarney Stone! and Blarney castle.
St. James Gate Brewery(Yummy Guinnesses)
Anybody have any other ideas...gonna be there for 10 days! Hopefully I'll have my own pictures to show you then.
- Speaking of Guinness (iheartmediocrity)
- Lazy congress. (iheartmediocrity again)
- Take that jerk!
- This is silly. (iheartmediocrity is on a roll! With butter!)
- Tenuous Bastard.
- Peter Griffin is real!
- Hooray! It's back!
- Cool, exotic pets.
- Who's gonna drive that?
- I don't know the answer, but banning it doesn't seem to be the way to go.
- That's crazee.
- He Man movie going's video proof. (patchygrl)
- All you need to know about Intelligent Design (shudder).
- That's not quite Bullitt.
- HAHA. Shopped.
- Does that mean I can drop them in the pool whenever I want?
- Pot calling the kettle black.
- Broken camera takes better pictures.
- Clever.
- Dumb. (regcrusher)
- Cool cars.
LL Cool J
Mamma Said Knock You Out! Have a good weekend, all.
Posted by
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
New Mayor of Philly
Congratulations, Michael Nutter! St Joe's Prep alumni! Now you have to fix all the crap John Street messed up for 8 years. Reminds me of someone else....
Nutters on the right...if you don't know who is on the left, you shame me.
- Ridiculous.
- Want one!
- Olbermann's right and it makes me angry.
- Women need to grow up.
- Great wedding photos.
- Censored stories.
- Awwwwwwww. He'd probably rip my face off.
- Amazing Staircases.
- There's a new king.
- Cool. (Mildly NSFW.)
- I want to visit commie China now....AMAZING read.
- Rodrigo Y Gabriela teach you how to play Tamacun.
- Colts cheat too. Maybe. But the patriots can shutup. Jerks.
- This can't be real.
- Impeach.
- This is the saddest thing I've ever, ever seen.
- Beautiful mathematics in nature.
- Jim likes the Scissor Sisters. (Thanks, borosh)
- Crazy Deaths.
- It's an epidemic!
- She's beautiful.
- No crap.
- Bush, the jerk.
- Interesting way to look at suicide bombers.
- Make sure you watch tonight.
- Nice.
- Good for them, keep at it.
- This is why I abhor hunting.
Wow, that was a lot.
Best song on the new Radiohead album:
Posted by
Monday, November 5, 2007
Busy Monday
Short post today....Cowboys, their fans and all included can go to hell.
- Cool site. (Patchygrl)
- Gross...not really gross, but ugly.
- Funny costume.
- So stupid.
Tenacious D performing the greatest song of all time....
Posted by
Friday, November 2, 2007
Fear is the most powerful force on Earth. It can cause humankind to commit any sort of heinous act in the name of safety. It also has the power to quiet, to quell, to placate a larger group. Many believe that to lead a nation to better times, there must be an enemy and if you look at America, we always had an enemy. Nazis, Japanese, the red scare, Saddam, Terrorists.
Unfortunately fear has been used against the American populace to shock or scare us into complicity with this administrations goals: greater censorship, a constant state of war, consolidated power, relinquished freedoms, faith-based initiatives, the degradation of secularism.
What are we scared of? What frightens America the most? Terrorism? Saddam? Iran? The nation of Islam? Foreigners? Illegal Immigration? Job loss? Atheists? Anthrax? Bird Flu? Mad Cow disease? My kid might fall down and hurt his widdle knee?
Are we safer? Were we ever in that much danger?
More people are killed in car accidents every month than in 9/11 total. Which country can we attack to stop that?
FDR was right. The ONLY thing we have to fear is fear itself.
Scare silly,
- I agree with this guy.
- Mighty Mouse!
- The seventies were weird.
- Jack-o-lantern designs. MORE.
- The Office duece!
- Take that, @$$holes!
- More anti-gay GOPers being very, very gay.
- These are neat. Drawn by prison inmates and left in books.
- But FoxNews said it was Al Qaeda! Damn!
- This movie looks sick.
- HAHA. Loser.
- Who's that guy?
Old school Friday!
Biz Markie! - This might go down...let me know in the comments if it does.
"I asked her her name, she said, "Blah blah blah"
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