Friday, October 5, 2007

MMMmmmmmm lime gum...

Yes, I wrote that headline immediately after putting a piece of lime gum in my mouth. And I don't have enough for everyone!

Remember Trapper Keepers? You were issued one if you were born in the years 1977 - 1983. Remember their spacey virtual reality designs? I assure you they are no longer the same. For example, look at the cover of the one on their front page. It says "Hey, I'm always right!" on it. Nice. That's the reinforcement children need in their learning stages.

But what I truly remember of the TK, is that they didn't work. Kids would carry them around with papers hanging out of them. I remember seeing many a TK corpse lying in a trash bin or the floor of a bathroom, its plastic covering ripped off, its once quasi futuristic designs nowhere to be seen. These things always died violent deaths, like they were torn apart by wild dogs. You'd have to imagine it was the kid who was so fed up with his Screech flavored Trapper Keeper that he tore it to shreds in angst. Poor thing.

These things never made it through a year of school. Ever. Then you'd go back to normal folders and binders that you should have used in the first place. You know the kind with the Lamborghinis on them. Or porsches. Or Care Bears......Ahem.

Ok, have a good weekend, folks. See ya Monday.

BONUS!: Puffy Stickers!!!


Just a couple of reader submissions today.
- Playing video games must be impossible. (Thanks Casey)
- Hooray science! (Vinny)

I'm gonna go with old school rap Fridays from now on. Chastise me if I forget.

Lets get you pumped for the weekend. You can't beat that with a bat.

Black Sheep


Anonymous said...

what kind of gum was it?

thewster said...
