Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Blog change

Hey all...I've decided to reduce the amount of posting due that I put a lot of content down everyday and it can overwhelm those that dont read everyday. Were gonna be looking at every other day here, but I am going to abandon the "absolutely must post every weekday" thing.

Ok later.

Lazy as hell,



Anonymous said...

uhg! Tuesday AGAIN??? I hate tuesdays! (In responce to both yesterdays and todays blog...mostly just yesterday...)
It's like that episode of Garfield and Friends where Garfield makes a wish on a wishing well and he wishes there were no more tuesdays (but in actuality i think it was mondays because who in their right mind, besides you, would wish away tuesdays??) and all the trash built up because tuesday (or monday) was trash day. and John could never get more food because Tuesday (or monday) was food shopping day..etc etc etc...
Turns out the wishing well was really an alien who was playing a mean trick on Garfield.
Did you ever see that one?

thewster said...

I slightly remember that...I do remember aliens screwing with him. I remember the Gummi Bears and Adventures of Winnie Pooh

Anonymous said...

Brevity is the soul of wit.


thewster said...

cryptic much?

Unknown said...

It was definitely Monday. Oh how I miss morning cartoons before school. This whole 'got-to-work-to-pay-the-bills' thing is getting old.

Anonymous said...

Good to see Ann Coulter linked to the blog. She has jumped the shark!

thewster said...

What amazes me is that people think she is hot! She's disgusting.