Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Long Weekend.

See I love long weekends, because they are 3 days away from work instead of just 2. I HATE them because they pull you far enough away from work where when you return, it's like going through withdrawal. Going back to work is that much tougher than a regular Monday and it feels like the shortened week is longer because you can't wait to get away from work again.

Lots o' links today....gonna try to get some big posts in this week.



- Is there anything Samuel L. Jackson can't do?
- Another space shot.
- And another...oh sweet lord we're all gonna die! Oh wait....
- 2 things concern me here...why are we not in the top 15, and there are places LESS democratic than N. Korea?
- I like when the dude's nose falls off (cartoon). TV Funhouse rules.
- "Somehow or other this accident is being interpreted as a malicious adult going around shooting people," Hammond stated. These people make me so sick. Do they really believe in goblins?
- Good article on traffic ticket myths... and I'm pretty sure Matisyahu Wolfberg is the greatest name of all time.
- This place is pretty cool.
- This makes me the maddest! Damn fundamentalists! Get your grimy hands off of science!
- Luxury Vodkas
- You go girls!
- I've seen this before but it always leaves me blown away.
- 25 of the world's most amazing creatures.
- I can't imagine he's gonna have the clout to bomb Iran anymore.
- This is once a week. The GOP is in trouble. Literally.
- Sean, I figured you would have shown me this.
- Why are they showing mostly women in the pictures?

That's enough for today. Jeeez.

More Silversun Pickups for you. (Requested)

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