Some talk about the blog:
Thanks to all 3 OF YOU, who actually checked the music showdown blog and voted. Jerks
I want to try to do a consistent themed post for Fridays. One blog I love has Phillies Phlashback Phriday. Check out sexy Desi Relaford. Speaking of the Phillies do you know they are TIED FOR FIRST!
This might be the first Friday in a while that I'm not hungover. Hooray!
I need more comments out of you guys. The thing that will make the site great is READER participation. So keep sending me those links and comment your delicate little hearts out.
Oh and this guy sucks. And while searching for that picture, I found this....sweet McGillicudy, WHY?
- HAHAHAHAHA. Take that Boston. Fightin' Phils!!
- This game will be sick.
- Awwwwww. It really sucks when someone does it to you huh, Bill?
More Bjork.
I love this song and the simplicity of this video.
Iiiiiiii just want to tell you how I'm feeling....
Friday, September 28, 2007
Week Wrap-up
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Thursday, September 27, 2007
I wonder...
Is anyone where they thought they'd be 10 years ago? As far as my future went I never really considered much then professionally. I assumed I would be married with three kids on the way. Not even close.
Professionally, I thought I would be starting 3rd baseman for the Philadelphia Phillies. Yoink!
Anyway, sound off in the comments about where you thought you'd be compared to where you are now.
Later gators,
- Remember this guy?
- Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
- Want one.
- 400$!!!! What the hell. I'll never have it.:(
- This is why we need net neutrality people!
- Please, bring them home.
- Evidence for impeachment?
- That's insane!
- This is why we need to be wary of what spying the government does on its people.
- So they're using OUR tax money to push religious propaganda in the classroom. Oh look who's heading it up. Vitter. Im glad he got this done in between prostitute visits!
- Funny jewish girls be hot.
- Want two! Then I will get them to battle each other. Two white Koala enter, one white Koala leave!
I've decided to stick with Bjork over the next coupla music posts. Her videos and music blow me away. Today = It's Oh So Quiet
Posted by
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Short one...
Sorry bout no post yesterday...and today's will be short.
Don't you love how the congress condemned the ad which attacked General Patreus, a 4-star general, but had nothing to say during the swiftboating of John Kerry, a vietnam veteran and recipient of 3 purple hearts. I say ALL politicians are 2-faced, but the GOP are just that little bit more that makes you sick.
Much better choice.
- Check the bottom.
- I love this video.
Posted by
Friday, September 21, 2007
Whats the Fequency, Kenneth?
My mother doesn't like when I say I'm hungover on here. I'm not hungover.......SIKE!
Anyway...I thought this was interesting, about the R.E.M. song, "Whats the Frequency, Kenneth?"
Pushing elephants up stairs,
- Group X cracks me up.
- Seriously.
- As do Geico commershes.
- We can do better.
- Seriously.
- What a hero.
- Seriously.
The Talking Head's Wild, Wild Life.
Is that John Goodman....dear god.
Posted by
Thursday, September 20, 2007
George Orwell
I decided today to profile one of the most prolific and underappreciated men of the 20th century: George Orwell.
From Wikipedia:
Eric Arthur Blair (25 June 1903 [1] [2] – 21 January 1950), better known by the pen name George Orwell, was an English author and journalist. Noted as a novelist, critic, political and cultural commentator, Orwell is among the most widely admired English-language essayists of the 20th century. He is best known for two novels critical of totalitarianism in general, and Stalinism in particular: Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four. Both were written and published towards the end of his life.
Animal Farm and 1984 are two of my favorite books of all time. The wikipedia article describes these books as critical of Stalinism and Totalitarianism. This is true, but I think that these books are more in criticism of man's greed for power, and therefore can be compared to many times in history. I think, these books and this man's brilliance are more important than ever.
Do yourself a favor and read those two books, Animal Farm in particular. To hold you over here are some quotes from Orwell that are as insightful as they are timeless and harrowing:
"Advertising is the rattling of a stick inside a swill bucket."
"All the war-propaganda, all the screaming and lies and hatred, comes invariably from people who are not fighting. "
"So much of left-wing thought is a kind of playing with fire by people who don't even know that fire is hot. "
"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."
"Each generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before it, and wiser than the one that comes after it. "
"Every war when it comes, or before it comes, is represented not as a war but as an act of self-defense against a homicidal maniac."
"If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear."
"Men can only be happy when they do not assume that the object of life is happiness. "
I will work harder,
- This had me nearly piss myself.
- Amazing, this computer magic!
- Preach on brother! Pt1 & Pt 2 Not Safe For Work (NSFW)
- Those of us who know the internet know that this is very, very sad.
- That's so friggin cool
- Bring back the OTA.
- Okay, on this one, I may have peed a little.(NSFW)
- Seriously? We give these people a forum on TV? She doesn't know whether the earth is flat or not. Oh wait, looks like this includes our lawmakers as well!
I saw an amazing movie last night at the Ritz in Vorhees called Once. Its a beautiful film, and I implore you to see it if you love music at all. No video on youtube can do justice to its beauty but here's a live performance by the 2 stars of the film:
Posted by
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Allergies can go take a leap off a bridge. Seriously. It's like everytime theres a change in the weather, your body says, "here's some random ailments. Enjoy, you jerk." Migraines in the morning, constant coughing at night and sneezing all day. Loads of fun. Right now as I sit here typing this, I've got that weird feeling, I think people call it medicine head, like I'm not in my body. Grrrrrr.
They have medicine that cures restless leg syndrome. How about fixing something that's real first, and with a medicine that doesn't make me think the Matrix might be real.
Hello Mr. Anderson,
- A list of weird articles on Wikipedia, my second favorite site, next to this one.
- Stay afraid. Keep it real.
- Wax on. Wax off.
- Haha. Stupid hippies.
- That's awesome.
- Guitar Hero III setlist. I actually can't get past the picture to read the list. I've tried several times.
- This is why I don't trust ANY politicians. It's interesting how 2 faced they ALL are.
- Beware jingoism.
- Eff that. I was born awesome.
- Fight! (Thanks regcrusher)
- AHAHAHA! Everything is bad for you! No go back to eating your tofu salad, jerkstore. (Thanks, Jay)
Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam is doing a solo album for the soundtrack of Sean Penn's Into the Wild. Here's the new single, it's AMAZING.
Posted by
Monday, September 17, 2007
Thewster - The Musical!
I've been backlogged on a bunch of music videos to show you. I'm gonna get rid of them all today. Please vote for your favorite on the right! It's a showdown.
Mat Weddle of Obadaiah Parker covering "Hey Ya" by Outkast
Modest Mouse - "Missed the Boat"
Tegan And Sara - "Walking with A Ghost"
Bloc Party - "So Here We Are"
Philly's own The Disco Biscuits - "Caterpillar"
Happy voting!
Posted by
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Jewish New Year
Today is the start of the Jewish New Year. Did you know that 37% of all United States Nobel Prize winners in the 20th century were Jewish. Also, these things were invented by Jewish-Americans: the shopping cart, the Corvette, the pacemaker, the Polaroid, and the laser.
I thought I might mention my favorite "Chosen Ones":
Writers and animators - Ralph Bakshi, animator (Fritz the Cat, Lord of the Rings), Rube Goldberg, Stan freakin' Lee, Isaac Asimov, Michael Chabon, Saul Bellow, Max Brooks (wrote one of my favorite books...World War Z), BOB DYLAN (also a musician, of course), Allen Ginsberg, Johnathan Kozol, Ayn Rand(Actually became an atheist), Maurice Sendak(Where the Wild Things Are), Shel Silverstein (Where the Sidewalk Ends among others)
Musicians - Herb Alpert(not too sure about the Tijuanna Brass though), Lenny Kravitz, Courtney Love, Mel Torme, Joey Ramone, Lou Reed
Sports - Sandy Koufax, Mike Lieberthal, Red Auerbach, Lyle Alzado
Actors - too many to list so just a couple - Jeremy Piven, Bob Saget, Katey Sagal
I found many of these names at Wikipedia.
Happy New Year and L'Chiam! To life!
- People need to realize that all the scientists are saying global warming is solely man-made! Oh wait...
- Come on people!
- Ice Waves
- I hope we get this in America.
- I try to read most of these.
- Technology, is there anything it can't do?
- Check out this article and the other Real Men Love... They're hilarious.
- Giggety.
- Whoa.
- Did he do it during the Superbowl against the Eagles? I say draft picks are not enough.
- This goes on in America! Terrible.
- Get 'im Ron!
- Hilarious. Each and every one. (Thanks patchygrl)
- Has anyone actually eaten Spam? (Kelli)
In honor of the Jewish's some Lou Reed for ya.
Posted by
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Saw some old friends last night. Ones I hadn't seen in at least two years. It felt good for the soul.
If you haven't checked out my top ten movies list below....what are you waiting for? Jerk.
- Final meal requests for people who have been executed. Sad and interesting. Check number 209's request. It's a good thing we put him to death.
- Sooooooooo true.
- Honestly... honestly.
- Panoramic views of the 7 wonders of the world. (requires Quicktime)
- Funny. But we all know pirate beats ninja.
- Tennis balls are the new duct tape.
- Baby Conan.
- This is AWESOME!!!!! Get a Wii immediately for this alone.
- I always liked this guy.
- Cars of War! Heating with Radium! A Chemical Dinner!
- That's either awesome or terrible. I can't decide.
- Wolfman!
Reader Submissions! Get yours to me!
- This is all this terrible song is good for. (MCasey in da house)
- New Tron? I dont know about this....(thanks Patchygirl)
- Is it a crime? Animal Cruelty maybe...who knows(KelliB in the place to B)
Cat Power - Minimalistic, but does she have the best voice you've ever heard or what?
Posted by
Friday, September 7, 2007
Drum Roll please.....
Okay, here are MY Top 10 movies you didn't know were great. I'll preface this by saying that I will not be including ones like the Godfather(s), Office Spaceses, Star Warses, or Indiana Jonseseses. They're awesome and we all know that. This will be a list that hopefully includes movies you've never heard of and/or seen before. Here we go.
10. Grosse Pointe Blank
To me this movie is a cult classic. It's got so much thrown into it while John Cusack tapdances over it all. The tale is about a professional hitman visiting his 10 year high school reunion, and all the insanity that goes along with it. The dialogue is fantastic throughout. Every actor/actress involved is doing their best, including, I think, every Cusack in the biz. You will like this movie if you like any of the following: John Cusack, Joan Cusack, Romance, Comedy, Action, the 80s, pre-entourage Jeremy Piven, and babies. Oh! I almost forgot. Adam Arkin as the original criminal therapist. Take that Melphi. This one's a charmer.
Notable: MY favorite scene is when Martin Blank(John Cusack), is staring at a baby. Seriously, it makes you want to hug everything.
9. Dancer in the Dark
Now, I've only seen this movie once, and it would take a alot for me to ever see it again. This might be the most depressing movie you will ever see. It wrecked my shit for days. But you must see it. It stars Bjork, the Icelandic songstress as a single mother trying to raise money for her son to get an operation for an eye condition that she herself suffers from. (On a side note she is a favorite of mine. I'll put her in the music section soon.) The condition is causing her to go blind. But to escape the horrible reality of what she's facing she lapses into beautifully choreographed daydreams. This is a musical, but it's not what you'd expect from one.
Without going to much further into it, while I said it was depressing, it is also one of the most beautiful movies I've ever seen.
Notable: Bjork won best Actress at Cannes that year for it and she deserved an Oscar.
Notable 2: I was checking out the director. He also directed the overlooked Dogville, the second most depressing movie ever made. He's on a roll.
8. Way of the Gun
No one knows it but this is the movie the guy who did The Usual Suspects did after that. Largely ignored, it's an actioner based on a tale of kidnapping gone horribly wrong. Two fantastic actors, Benicio del Toro and Ryan Phillipe, play the lead roles. Also in this movie are Julianne Lewis, James Caan, and Taye Diggs doing a fantastic job. This is a modern day western.
My favorite part of this movie is the opening scene, and without giving anything away, has my favorite jewish comedienne, Sarah Silverman, using some of the most foul, funny dialogue ever delivered in a movie.
Notable: The names of the main characters, Parker and Longbaugh, are the real last names of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.
7. Brick
I've seen this movie a couple of times, and I still miss a ton of dialogue. This movie blends the old forties Bogart detective movie with the backdrop of a modern day high school. No oone real famous starring in this one. There's a menace permeating the entirety of the movie that wont be shaken. If you see it make sure you keep the captions on.
Notable: The director cited Spaghetti Westerns and Cowboy Bebop as influences on his visualization of the movie. Some of you may know that I think Cowboy Bebop is the greatest thing. Ever.
6. Run Lola Run
Franke Potente stars as a girlfriend who has to find 100,000 Deutschmarks for her boyfriend in a half hour to save their life together. Actually told in three parts, each part being the possible outcome of the same half hour. A frenetic pace hauls you through the movie, while snippets of side characters pasts are thrown at us. Excellent direction, interesting execution, and a new actress' breakout role make this one of my favorites to watch over and over.
Notable: The casino scene is one of my favorite scenes of all time.
5. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (original)
So we obviously all seen this one, I hope. But I want to explain the reasons I love it. This is one of the most dark and twisted movies I have ever seen. This is all due to the genius that is Gene Wilder. Let me list.
- Everytime one of the kids is drifting toward calamity, notice how Wonka "pretends" to warn them. Sick bastard! He wants them to get hurt.
- When the kids are taken away we never really learn they're fate after they are taken away. If this was real life, Wonka would be locked up.
- The boat scene. Wilder maniacal singing. Oh and there's a chicken beheading in the background.
- The bubble car, notice how panicked the riders get when they are being SUFFOCATED BY FOAM. They think they are going to die.
- Oompaloompas. Give me the chills. If I saw one in real life I would run screaming.
- The scene where Wonka tells Charlie he has lost. He literally screams in the kids face. YOU GET NOTHING!
Notable: Willy Wonka(from the boat ride): There's no earthly way of knowing / Which direction we are going / There's no knowing where we're rowing / Or which way the river's flowing / Is it raining? / Is it snowing? / Is a hurricane a-blowing? / Not a speck of light is showing / So the danger must be growing / Are the fires of hell a-glowing? / Is the grisly reaper mowing? / Yes, the danger must be growing / 'Cause the rowers keep on rowing / And they're certainly not showing / Any signs that they are slowing.
4. Shaun of the Dead
Shaun of the Dead is another cult movie. A Zombie cult movie. A Zombie/Comedy cult movie. A Romantic/Comedy/Zombie cult movie. I promise you the only one of its kind. There are many out there who shy away from a movie as soon as they hear zombie. I promise you those fears are warranted cuz you probably cant handle zombies you wuss! Anyway, even people who don't like zombie movies(wusses) will enjoy if not love this. As the movie was made as a comedic homage to zombie movies, you might expect that the movie would miss both the zombie and the comedy. What I love about the film, aside form its charismatic lead players, is its ability to walk the line and get the best of both worlds. My favorite scene is when they are beating up a zombie with cue sticks in rhythm to a Queen song. Believe me, its better to see for yourself.
A fantastic movie from across the pond. Worth the purchase.
Notable: These guys(two stars and director) teamed up later to make Hot Fuzz, an homage to their favorite action movies. I hope they've got more.
3. Children of Men
Chilling. Stark. Long takes. Clive Owen. This hasn't been seen by most people, but I feel, other than the extremes, this is the closest vision of the future. Clive Owen plays a man protecting the lone pregnant woman on a planet of infertile people. I don't have a lot to say on this movie because I still need more time for it to all sink in. I love it. Just don't know why yet. You will too.
2. Akira
You knew anime would get on here at one point. Especially since it is overlooked by mainstream media as there is a lot of garbage going around. Know may be animation but it is not for the kids. This is the movie that brought anime into the mainstream and paved the way for Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away. This movie has been referenced in so much pop culture, people dont even know its being referenced.
This movie will change the way you see animation. You will begin the realize the scope that can be told and the imagination that can be brought forth through the medium.
Check 6 seconds in.
Notable: At one point in the 1990s, Sony contemplated a live-action version of the film, but scrapped the idea when the projected budget went north of US$300 million.
1. The Big Lebowski
People say its a cult movie. Forget that. This is THE Movie. Celluloid perfection from start to finish. I can quote nearly the entire movie. To myself. While sleeping. Nightly. To many "achievers", this movie is their religion. You know why you might not like this movie. Cuz you havent watched it at least 5 times. After that its transcendental. Ive seen it at least 100 times and I see something new every time I watch it. The Coen brothers masterpiece. You know...the guys who made Fargo. Ever thus a deadbeat.
All The Dude ever wanted, was his rug back.
Notable: The Dude never actually bowls.
Honorable Mention: Pan's Labrinyth, Blade Runner, Spirited Away, Descent, Amelie
Posted by
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Interim Report...
New poll folks!--------------------------------------------------------------------->
No commentary today....BIG post coming tomorrow around 11...don't miss it!
- That's the craziest F&$%^ thing I've ever seen.
- Check your area. Hopefully you won't know anyone.
- Now, why isn't this on the front page of every newspaper? Honestly, tell me why in the comments. Maybe I'll understand how he didn't lie to the American people.
- Oh I hope this is true.
- Kickass pictures from Burning Man.
- People other than Owen Wilson who tried to commit suicide.
- Heehee. I love philosophical conundrums.
- Why is ANYONE defending him.
- Cool bus ads.
- Whoa.
Citizen Cope
Posted by
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Our gallows.
Capital punishment is as fundamentally wrong as a cure for crime as charity is wrong as a cure for poverty.
I came across this article last week and Ive been gathering my thoughts to comment. Its a little old(April 2002), so bear with me and I will provide current stats later.
As far as I'm concerned the death penalty should be halted. It's an antiquated stain on the progress America has made as a world leading country. I think its actually a pretty easy argument.
How many people have been put to death since 1976(when the death penalty was reinstated, on Americas 200th birthday!)? 1095 (source)
What about the ones executed before DNA comparison was put into place? I have no doubt in my mind that the State has executed innocent people. And they do it for you. That is why the cases are always the people vs. Mr. So-and-so. If an innocent man is put to death, that is murder plain and simple. Doesn't matter who does it.
To those who say it helps alleviate overcrowded prisons, 1095 people is a drop in the bucket.
To those who say it is a crime deterrent, I argue that no one is scared of the death penalty when they commit a crime, they're more scared of prison. You don't want to be someones boyfriend, do you?
The rest of the world, on the whole, does not have capital punishment, but of those who do, check out the company we keep. Nice.
Eye for an eye is an antiquated idea; lets get America moving into the 21st century.
- Mix tape of the gods (thanks A')
One of the greatest bands of all time, Radiohead. They also have some of the best videos.
This is the video that got me into Radiohead. I like the Kuato in the middle.
I'm just linking this one because it has disturbing war images, please view at your discretion. GRAPHIC!!!
Sit Down. Stand up.
Posted by
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Long Weekend.
See I love long weekends, because they are 3 days away from work instead of just 2. I HATE them because they pull you far enough away from work where when you return, it's like going through withdrawal. Going back to work is that much tougher than a regular Monday and it feels like the shortened week is longer because you can't wait to get away from work again.
Lots o' links today....gonna try to get some big posts in this week.
- Is there anything Samuel L. Jackson can't do?
- Another space shot.
- And another...oh sweet lord we're all gonna die! Oh wait....
- 2 things concern me here...why are we not in the top 15, and there are places LESS democratic than N. Korea?
- I like when the dude's nose falls off (cartoon). TV Funhouse rules.
- "Somehow or other this accident is being interpreted as a malicious adult going around shooting people," Hammond stated. These people make me so sick. Do they really believe in goblins?
- Good article on traffic ticket myths... and I'm pretty sure Matisyahu Wolfberg is the greatest name of all time.
- This place is pretty cool.
- This makes me the maddest! Damn fundamentalists! Get your grimy hands off of science!
- Luxury Vodkas
- You go girls!
- I've seen this before but it always leaves me blown away.
- 25 of the world's most amazing creatures.
- I can't imagine he's gonna have the clout to bomb Iran anymore.
- This is once a week. The GOP is in trouble. Literally.
- Sean, I figured you would have shown me this.
- Why are they showing mostly women in the pictures?
That's enough for today. Jeeez.
More Silversun Pickups for you. (Requested)
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