Hey folks,
Updates to Thewster will be sporadic over the next week or two do to holidays and me moving to Northern Liberties in Philadelphia.
I am very excited to be living in the city again!
- Havin' fun.
- How did this jackass win his primary. (BTW, he thinks the internet is a series of tubes and is the architect of "The Bridge to Nowhere".)
- The Muppet Show is returning! Rejoice!
- Legends of the Hidden Temple shirts!
- Just put everybody on the list and get it over with.
- HAHAHAHA....look at raps.
- The future.
- Cool shirts.
- Cool lightning shots.
- Batman vs. Joker.
- Funniest thing I've seen in a while.
- Mt Rainier.
- This blog is GREAT.
- Banksky on art.
The Toadies
I Burn
I wanted to put one of the songs from the new album, but its not really out there yet. The new album is GREAT and welcome after a 14 year absence.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Moving week
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Monday, August 25, 2008
The Jeffersons.
Got nothing to say today....so I'll just quote Thomas Jefferson:
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure."
- Cool card stack.
- Britney sounds like poop....but I bet every pop act sounds like that when they are dancing around on stage like that lip-synching.
- This is cool....and interactive.
- Reverse Graffiti.
- Rush Limbaugh said something dumb. I'm not going to post a link because he wants the damn attention.
- Remember this, and you will be more peaceful.
- Global warming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Interesting products.
- Haha.....neat.
- The Japanese have done something great........then they go and do this.
Fleet Foxes
White Winter Hymnal
Give it 2 listens at least....it takes that much at least to love.
Posted by
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Music Snob
If you are a loyal reader, you know I like music. Lots of different kinds of music. Some have said to me that I am a snob because I will not stand inferior, shitty music. Sorry, but the music that we are embarrassed about having liked 10 years ago exists today and people will be embarrassed about it 10 years from now.
So anyway one of the links down below is a comic strip that kind of shows you why you should be nicer to music snobs you know.
P.S. Thank you to the ONE person to wish me a happy anniversary.
- This is just awesome...custom simpsons characters.
- Bonus! Interactive Simpsons map!
- hahaha.
- Remember when the president vetoed this? Good times. I wonder how many lives will be lost just because we postponed this.
- The music nerd's burden.
- How sad..... as my sister said, "It's a tough time to be a black musician."
- Awesome Cars.
- Watchmen poster comparisons.
- Don't make the animals sick.
- Ugh! I got this on regular DVD.....these people can't fleece me for a whole new set! Until it comes out in 3D.
- Wooden mirror.
- I love Beaker.
- Anybody know this guy? Who wrote it?
- Check the links down the page a little for photos.
- Indiana Jones and the lego ball.
- Crazy lightning strike.
- This always blows me away.
- Visualizing turbulence.
- Stop the bullets. Kill the guns.
- The empire has invaded.
Yea Yeah Yeahs
Way Out
The video is from FLCL, one of my favorite animes ever.
Posted by
Monday, August 18, 2008
Happy Birthday to Thewster!
So it has been a year! And coincidentally this is the 150th post....that's a lot.
Over the year I've shaken the site into the schedule and format I've wanted. So far I am happy with it but things will always change, as things should.
Loyal readers please say hello in the comments, send suggestions, insult my intelligence, etc....
Thanks for reading!
- This new Trek movie is starting to look real cool.
- The Japanese get the coolest stuff.
- This had me laughing all weekend.
- End of an era?
- Remember the walking dog robot? Here's his mini-me.
- That's cool.
Broken Social Scene
Almost Crimes
Is that Feist in there? Why yes it is!
Posted by
Monday, August 11, 2008
Root Canal
I just found out I have to get a root canal and my teef hurt. :(
- Steeley McBeam is stupid.
- Hahahahha.
- Uhoh.
- Women CAN'T do these fings!
- Dis is messed up.
- Who'd want to?
- Awesome sand sculpture.
- Sounds like same old story in politics.
- Amazing sculpture.
- Inventions.
- McCain bribing people to blog in his favor.
- Slow motion lightning. Unreal.
- Women.....stop doing dis stuff.....especially the sunglasses fing. You look like fools in dem.
- Haha. Dramatic cat.
- Its good to see da boys having fun.
- The saga continues.
Posted by
Thursday, August 7, 2008
What is it with people who walk down the street, with headphones on singing the song they are listening to? Or rapping it? Thats the reason we all don't carry large stereos on our shoulders anymore.
I wish people did though.
- Ha...Good for her.
- hehehehehehehe.
- Funny/scary church signs.
- Now Blackwater works for the DEA.......Wonderful.
- Brilliant.
- If you haven't seen it yet... Paris Hilton responds....and it doesn't suck....and its not filmed in night vision.l
- That's madness.
- Well I hope that's not true.
- Ha!
- Americaisthebest.com - I agree!
- Triumph cutting down nerds! This is a new one folks.
- That's AMAZING.
- They're closed.
- 10 reasons to date a unicorn.
- 9 Reasons not to date a Tyrannosaurus Rex.
Sifl and Olly
My United States of Whateva
I went down to the beach saw Kiki, she was all like ennnnhehnnnnn
Posted by
Monday, August 4, 2008
Battlestar Galactica
The last, lets say, 3 months, I have been waiting for my cousin, Sal, to watch the past 3 seasons of Battlestar Galactica so we could watch the 4th season together. Thats like 60 some hour long episodes. I didn't think he could do it. He did....amazing. So I watched the last couple of Season 3 episodes with him, and let me tell you, those with time on their hands should start watching the show because it is the best damn show on TV.
- Venom will be a movie???? I'm in heaven. I'm ignoring Spider-man 3.
- I'm glad the oil companies are faring ok.
- Trapjaw!
Hmmmmm.... not many links here....
Band of Horses
No One's Gonna Love You
I've been singing this in my head and out loud for days.
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