The phillies are phightin' phor phirst. Brett Myers won his second game (against the worst team in the league), and Chutley finally broke his dingerless streak.
Maybe this is the end of the slump.
- Fair and Balanced.
- Comic-Con costumes....nerdy but I find it interesting.
- Escher in real life.
- I've reported it tons of times, but look at the idiots.
- Pretty picture.
- Interactive map of Bush Administration crimes. I actually think John Yoo was just doing his job but this also shows how bad Alberto Gonzales was.
- Please, this has nothing on 1988.
- Beautiful Jupiter.
- Hmmmmmmmmmmm.
- Legacy.
Silversun Pickups
Future Foe Scenarios
A favorite band of Thewster(the site)!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Posted by
Monday, July 28, 2008
I am sunburnt from the southern Delaware sun. And work as busy as hell!
Gotta be brief today,
- This guy is my hero.
- Fun game.
- Okay now it just seems they're fleecing the fan base. Do this on blu-ray and maybe I'd be interested.
- PES is awesome.
- Castle Greyskull!
- Will Ferrell spoils the Dark Knight for you. (Not really.)
- Mother Russia.
- Its called enabling.
People in Planes
Pretty Buildings
Posted by
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Stinky stinky
Man when it rains in the city it stinks. I walked by a restaurant on the way to work this morning and it, literally, smelled like a pig sty. A real one. I reside in South Jersey where there are pig farms everywhere, so I know the smell. I think at this point the rains are making the smell worse.
August is going to be bad,
Holdin' my nose,
- I refuse to believe it.
- Bring segregation back into schools! Religous segregation! By the way everyone should see the movie Persopolis. Its fantastic.
- Here are your masters of war.
- I guess that's safe enough. Make sure you get those nipple rings and old men in wheelchairs!
- This guy is good.
- Cute.
- When pigs fly.
- Other stars who died before the release of their movie.
- 600,000 is a lot of signatures.
- The land of prisons. These stats are horrifying.
- HAHAHAHAA...dummy.
- FoxNews misspells education. Respectable journalism at its finest!
- Take that, creationists!
They Might Be Giants
Alphabet of Nations
Time for some eduaction!
Even better.....
Ok ok ok that's enough.
Posted by
Monday, July 21, 2008
Hey all,
I was at a music festival this weekend and it was a blast. It was called Camp Bisco. It was operated by The Disco Biscuits and they performed six times as well as Snoop Dogg and some other electronic/dance/rock acts and DJs. Anyways I'm back.
Have you guys all seen The Dark Knight yet? I think everyone has....I will be going tonight and I can't wait!
- Amazing shots of the Earth.
- Keep away from my Batman, Michael Bay!
- Don't disgruntle your sysadmins.
- AHAHAHAHA. I love it. Heeeheeeheee.
- The Radiohead video.
- They're awesome.
- Stepbrothers is going to be awesome.
Here's a couple of samples of the music I saw this weekend:
Future Rock
Rocket - During this song at the festival the rain came down the size of grapes...I had an umbrella(thankfully) and the rain was coming down so hard that all my friend and I could do was laugh. He had an umbrella too. It was the best part of the whole weekend.
The Disco Biscuits
Helicopters - At the Electric Factory
Posted by
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Bringing you the web
There's only so much I can rant, so I've decided I'm also going to try to bring you guys more of the wonderful web.
WOOT, Inc. is a really neat site that offers one electronic/kitschy/weird deal a day, and they really are deals...if one day, like the day of this post, you luckily need two electronic bug catchers. You probably don't. I don't know if anyone but Cub scout troop leaders do.
I have bought several things from this website. A SD card for really cheap. An MP3 player for REALLY cheap. The deal is a lot of these products are refurbished or have minimal blemishes. The great thing is you can check the comments to see wether you should take the plunge or not.
Check it out:
Woot, you can pay me or give me free schwag if you want.
- Yep, yep. Makes sense.
- Brilliant, but useless.
-These two are nuts.
- Octopus the escaper!
- I want this for my front yard.
- Lucky shot.
- Something to do.
- Escher coffins.
- This is why Radiohead is amazing.
- McCain....come on.....
- That's why kids in middle school are sadistic.
- Tree of life.
- Sounds about right.
- Jelly tugs. NSFW
- John McCain's 61 flipflops.
G. Love & Special Sauce
Gimme Some Lovin'
Just woke up with an appetite...
Posted by
Friday, July 11, 2008
Ive been saving up tons of links... Dumping time!
- This picture may be the funniest thing I've ever seen.
- Swedish Chef always makes me laugh.
- Statler and Waldorf collection.
- Beaker never lets you down. He'll never turn around and hurt you.
- Will we never learn! The robots will revolt! I've seen it a thousand times.
- Things they don't tell you.
- Tribute to the Carlton!
- Hang in there boys.
- Selfish animals.
- Not shopped?
- MY cubes!!!!!!!!!!!!
- That's awesome.
- The first sign of the apocalypse has arrived, folks.
- Integrity...its what FOXNews is all about.
- Honestly, this brought a tear to my eye.
- This game's worms.
Comment people...lets me know what people like.
My Morning Jacket
I'm Amazed
Might be a repeat but I just don't care .
Posted by
Monday, July 7, 2008
GUEST POST!!! by Vinny
Guest blogging for one of my best friends is a nice treat. In the soon to be infamous words of the dead Heath Ledger and here we go....
Just so we are all clear on the flip-flops so far this year by our beloved presidential nominees. Here is a nice article provided by the BBC. Some of the analysis is a bit idiotic, such as McCain's Christian Right stance and Obama's Campaign Finanace stance, but other good points are revealed like Obama's ever changing stance on Iraq and McCain's immigration stance. Lots of posturing for voters by McCain, while Obama now appears to be readying himself for the old politics of favors for money.
Nest eggs falling in value..
Ugh, let's look at this month's numbers. I've lost money in my retirement account. If I remember correctly, this is supposed to be analyzed on a long term basis and not a short term basis. Anything to make the public grow in fear. I can understand those that are living on that money at the moment, but at that point it isn't retirement you are talking about, it is your current income. Do something about it instead of hoping the government will do something for you.
Kerry in the news again. Won't this guy just let himself leave with some dignity. After his defeat to Bush in 04, he shut up for a while and now here he is talking about McCain in a negative light. This is the same guy who wanted McCain to be his running mate in 04. Another Kerry flip-flop, I vote for the war before I voted against it.
McCain promises to balance the budget. That would be great if he can get the Democrats, who have control of the congress after promising to do the same thing, to go along with it. (Editor's note: Fat chance! I'll love the effort, but mourn the failure.)
This just broke a timetable for Iraq....interesting development.
On a lighter note, check out Hancock, very good movie. Comedy throughout and touching at the same time. Will Smith has delivered another great film.
The Phils appear to have lost out on C.C. Sabathia, which leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Here they are primed for a big playoff run and they are being out done by the Brew crew. Buck up guys, sell the farm, pay the money, sell your soul, bring us a championship. I'm willing to put up with losing seasons for the next few years; I've already been doing it since I can remember.
That's it for me. Thanks for reading.
P.S. - For those that want a tune, here you go.
Nirvana - Been a Son
Posted by
Thursday, July 3, 2008
July 4th
Hooray for a day of fireworks and hotdogs!
Sorry for a short post....super busy this week.
- Funny dog.
- Kill. It. With. Fire.
Fortunate Son
Posted by
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Hey, its been a little while with the posts...Im trying to spread them out a little bit. Sorry if you're a die hard.
- This is incredible.
- Haha. Wish there was more.
- Cool website.
- More important then there being water.
- Ahahahahaha.
- Impressive video.
Billy Preston
Nothing from Nothing
Love this song
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