Thursday, June 26, 2008

2 Guys on Beer

Hey guys and galas, I'm gonna do a little "blog" networking.

A buddy of mine has a great internet show called 2 Guys On Beer. Its local to Philadelphia, but that doesn't mean it isn't useful to anyone who likes a good brewskie. I was at a filming of a couple of episodes at National Mechanics bar the other day and it was really cool.

Please, do me a favor and check them out!

2 Guys On Beer!


- Bill Kristol said this. (political)
- Rich get richer.
- Every Lego set ever made.
- Everyone needs to watch this. (semi-political)
- Unbelievable.
- This movie looks great.
- You don't win friends with salad!
- Cool Super Mario cakes.
- FoxNews doing what FoxNews does. (semi-political)
- Lots of FAIL. (not sure but there could be a NSFW tucked in there somewhere)
- That would be ridiculous.
- Torture, torture. (political, but also a comic)

Nikka Costa
Push & Pull
Her first(popular) album is unbelievable, the second....not so much, I think she changed producers. Go get the first one..... Can't Never Did Nothing.

Monday, June 23, 2008

RIP George Carlin

One of the most brilliant has been lost to us. :(

- That's messed up.
- Cooler Legos.
- The new classics.
- Just read the headline. I dare you not to laugh.

Broken Social Scene
Cause = Time
Thanks for having me listen to this band, Gina. (FYI...Feist was one of the originating members of this band.)

Friday, June 20, 2008

Pearl Jam Concert

So I was at the Pearl Jam concert last night in Camden.

Let me say this:

I was in a guitar pick hailstorm.

We were 5 rows in front of these tickets and look how much they are going for!

At one point I got the chance to pass an early setlist to the little girl behind me and that was really awesome for me.

I was freakin 15 feet from the entire band.

Mike McCready is one of the greatest guitarists ever.

This is what happened to me and those close by at the climax of the show:

FYI = The music is different but this is EXACTLY what happened.

- But he probably did!
- Oh for Pete's Dragon's sake.
- Skewered.
- That's insane.
- I like these. The wrath one will stab you in the face.
- And now Skynet is actually real. I, for one, welcome our robotic overlords.
- Congrats, racists!
- Incredible. When will she don tights and be a superhero/villain?
- One of them must be right.....right? Watch it's the Mormons....haha.
- ONG BAK 2 trailer!!!!!
- If you know anything about Battletoads this is hilarious.
- So tragic.

Pearl Jam
Love Reign O'er Me
What did you think it would be? This was incredible last night. Boooooooooooooooooooooooom! Colin, take note of Firenze in the video.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Stan Winston

We have lost a true talent. Many monsters will now never be seen.

R.I.P. Stan Winston.

- This cracks me up everytime.
- Weird.
- Lucky.
- Thanks for protecting the Oil company's profits, G.O.P.
- Amazing pictures.
- You can spend hours here, reading about doomsday scenarios.
- He got us all.
- Way to go....racists.
- Im voting for nobody.
- All women have a little lesbo in them?
- Spectacular.


I wanted to post this but they wont let me embed.....idiots.

Death Cab For Cutie
I will Possess Your Heart

Friday, June 13, 2008

Music Cavalcade: Bonnaroo Edition

This is for Gina and Sherry having the time of their lives in Bonnaroo!

Paper Planes
This is so weird and good. She was just in town with Holy F*&K. How the f*&k did I miss that?


My Morning Jacket
Highly Suspicious
This is my favorite song from the new album. It's not usual. I love it. HIGHLY SUSPICIOUS!


Umphrey's McGee
Mulche's Odyssey
Dig it.


Vampire Weekend
Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa
Im so jealous Im not there.


Sigur Ros
Argh....why am I not in Kentucky?!


The Disco Biscuits
Home Again
To me, one of the greatest concert finishers Ive ever heard. It's built for it.


Did I mention Pearl Jam is there? Damn......

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I agree that taxes stink, but what must stink for Mayor Nutter of Philadelphia is inheriting a budget from that total clod, John Street. I guarantee the budget is an absolute mess and that is why Nutter needs to increase the parking tax by 33%.

Now, I hear McCain wants to cut taxes, if he gets into office. That's pure insanity. We've had 8 years of tax cuts and watching our deficit increase and our economy and the value of our dollar decrease and the cost of gas skyrocket. You think maybe the solution goes beyond tax cuts and "economic stimuli". Dont get me wrong I I cant wait to give my six hundo to Visa to clear my credit card.

Anyway, there's half an argument for ya.


- Look out Sport's Nuts, Ankle Biters(?), Dykes on Bikes, Rebellious Women and Roman Catholics!
- This guy is talented.
- Fools.
- I'm voting Republican.
- Awwwwwww...he's sorry.....that no one understands him....damn.
- Futurama cast.
- Murdoch admits he focuses Fox"News" to his agenda. Duh.
- McCain thinks Putin is the President of where?
- Awesome pictures.
- How awesome.

Lots o politics this post...sorry.

Pink Floyd

Monday, June 9, 2008

Indiana Jones IV

Saw it. Loved it. People are complaining...oh he would never survive that. He shouldnt have survived the last 3 movies. The movie was over the top....laugh out loud funny and full of excellent adventure.

I give it an A-.


- You've all probably seen this guy go nuts, but here it is.
- This is atrocious.
- Gorgeous.
- Check out this show. Stars someone I know and is genuine, informative and pretty in your face. Probably NSFW, so the link goes to the wikipedia page, where you can find the official link.
- "We're Puzzled. This is not the Scott McClellan we knew."
- Way to go, Vice President.
- Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
- Human tetris.
- Smells like imperialism.

Tom Petty
I Won't Back Down
Love it.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Hilary is finished. Hurray! Obama should take McCain, which means we will have a president free from lobbyist's influence.



- Interactive Elemental table.
- 150 Resume blunders.
- I think that covers all of us......devilish sports fans.
- These are pretty good commercials.

Electric Feel
This is funkay

Monday, June 2, 2008


I love the word nuggets. Everything that comes in nugget form is good. Wisdom, chicken, gold, or even toffee nuggets in your ice cream. I believe that everything great should be offered in nugget form. Beer nuggets, sex nuggets, Philadelphia major sports championship nuggets, nugget nuggets.

But not all nuggets are great.

No one likes the Denver Nuggets.


- I bet their names consist of clicks and pops.
- Why is the world's largest crane in Wyoming?!

The Thermals
Here's Your Future
The clip is from one of my favorite shows: Weeds on Showtime The full song can be heard live in the video below but the quality isn't great.