For anyone who is in Philly and interested:
Today, Friday, May 30th through June 2nd, 2008 at 1 N. 15th Street (Dilworth Plaza - City Hall), Amnesty International USA is hosting a nationwide tour of a replica of a Guantanamo cell to educate citizens about human rights abuses associated with this detention facility (the public will be permitted to walk through the cell).
The cell will be open on Friday from 1:00 PM to 8:00 PM, Saturday, May 31st at 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM, Sunday, June 1st from 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM, and on Monday, June 2nd from 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM.
- I would never do it.
- Is it true about Obama?!
- This is appalling, and I feel for her but then she mentions Al Qaeda.
- I wanna try these!!!!
- Michelle Malkin is a retard. I find my previous statement offensive to retards everywhere.
- Hehe.
- The Coen bro's next film looks absolutely fantastic.
- That's nuts.
Rage Against The Machine
"Who controls the past now, controls the future. Who controls the present now, controls the past." - Go look up who said it, and where.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Posted by
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Back in the US of A
Hey all Im back from my trip into the land of Eire.....
Onto the links!
- Two goodbyes...
- Congratulations FoxNews!
- The amount of work that went into this is crazy!
- Unusual rose.
- Also very awesome.
- Baby Burrito.
- Everyone should see this.
- Too close.
Built To Spill
Going Against You Mind
Posted by
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Ireland Trip III
We are on our last day in Ireland in Dublin, leaving tomorrow. Already saw the Book of Kells this morning.....big flipping whoop. The long room on the same tour is much more impressive. I think we've run out of things to see.
I hope my turtles are still alive.
We are going to a book of names shop soon and well probably relax the rest of the day away in a bar....maybe even try to catch Indiana Jones. Who knows.
I'll talk to you all soon.
Posted by
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Ireland Visit 2
Hey all, Im in Galway. Since I wrote we checked out the ring of Kerry (unbelievable), Ring of Meara(crappy weather), and the cliffs of Moher(remarkable but crowded).
Tomorrow we hit Dublin where we will spend 3 days, then come home. Ill send pics when i get home.
Later Gators,
Its raining again.
Posted by
Sunday, May 18, 2008
From Ireland!
This is my first international post!
I am sitting at an internet cafe in Cobh, IE, where the worlds largest boat is docked as we speak. It is also where the Titanic took off from.
So far I have been to Blarney castle, kissed the stone, Jameson Distellary(sp?), bought an Irish tam and seen Cobh. Hopefully I will have more as I can get to internet cafes.....
There really are bars every 2 feet.
Please leave me comments, so I hear your voices out here.
Posted by
Monday, May 12, 2008
Saw Iron Man today. Good flick.
Everyone...listen: Shut the F%^K UP during the movie. You want to know why people arent going to movies in the theater anymore? Because YOU ruin it.
And stop kicking my F*%KIN chair!!!
- Haha.
- That's really sad.
- Fun toy.
- MacGruber?! Nooooo.
- The real PacMan.
- How to properly hold a baby.
Flogging Molly
Drunken Lullabyes
Ill try to post from Ireland. Wednesday is my last till after Memorial Day. Unless I can do it from The Emerald Isle.
Posted by
Friday, May 9, 2008
1st Guest Post!
Our first guest post! Thank you Poor Richard, for heeding the call. Enjoy another flavor of Thewster:
The Art of Persuasion
Just about everyday we find ourselves in an argument of some kind, trying to persuade your interlocutor to change their mood, mind, or desire to act. Notice, though, that we argue to achieve agreement and we fight to win. Fighting never persuades, it only inspires aversion or retreat.
We must identify what we want out of the argument. Do we want our spouse to just close the shower curtain when he/she is done showering? Do we want our son or daughter to put on a coat for school? Or do we want our sibling to take the garbage out this week? In scenarios akin to these we must refer back to what we want our audience to do, change their mind, mood, or desire to act. More often than not if we’re dealing with a choice, we want to focus on the future. This is what is called the deliberative argument, by which a wife tries to persuade her husband to go to her parent’s for Thanksgiving. If she explains to him that “we should go to my parent’s this year because we went to yours last year”, she is focusing on the past which logically might make sense but may not be enough to persuade. Instead, if she looks to the future with “we should go to my parent’s because you know how much my parent’s love having you for company”, she has hit what can be the most important factor in persuasion, emotion. Most arguments not only take place in the wrong tense, but are used with a wrong choice of form.
Using the knowledge we have of our audience, we can then choose our weapon (form). For example, if we are trying to convince our young child to wear a coat to school we have our choice of ethos (argument by character), pathos (argument by emotion), or logos (argument by logic).
Ethos- “You have to wear a coat and that’s final”
Pathos- “Look at me off to work shivering in the cold. Don’t I look stupid?”
Logos- “Not only will the coat keep you warm but it’ll keep your skin from chapping. You’ll feel a lot better."
Once we’ve chosen the line of argument that best suits our child, we should transform ourselves into an emotional role model and therefore show our audience how it should feel.
As this is only the silverware for the cake of rhetoric, this advice may help the next time you find yourself trying to persuade. If you’re interested in going a little deeper, I should suggest “Thank You For Arguing” by Jay Heinrichs. An easy read, without all the overwhelming detail. So remember, identify what you want (mood, mind, or act), use the correct tense, and identify with your audience.Poor Richard
- Whaaaatt?!! You mean I don’t have to put my bluetooth on my EAR anymore?
- Yeah let’s not only fight over there, but let’s fight each other over HERE.
- Music composition of the 21st CENTURY.
- COOOL. Annnnd the point is??
Badly Drawn Boy
The Shining
Posted by
Monday, May 5, 2008
Help Wanted...
It probably won't happen but I need some help with this thing....if anyone is interested, I would like to see some guest posts.... this would be in the same style of my other posts. Either send me a crafted shortpost/link/music post or a collection of them and I will post it.
- That's real sport.
- The Cognitive Age.
- The come back down to reality Age.
- Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
- I may have posted this before but I love this series....becareful at work. Last picture is not for the weak of stomach either.
- Hehehehe....Pacman explained.
- Woweeeeeeeeeee.
- This is Phun. Posted Anon in the comments.
- Awwwwwwww. Pop ups might appear and they might be NSFW.
Boards of Canada
Dayvan Cowboy
May be a repeat but this song made my day today. Awesome video to boot.
Posted by
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Everyone has some sort of advice. With instant information at everyone's fingertips, everyone thinks they are an expert in something or everything. Is it becoming worse than it was? I feel like I always get lots of "You should do this" or "That'll never work, try it this way". But when I do I get nowhere or progress reverses.
Thinking about this I began to wonder if I was committing the same egregious act. Was I sputtering utter nonsense when it wasn't solicited?
I'm gonna pay attention to that over the next couple of days.
LINKS - I'm going to forgo the names of contributers for now because there aren't enough.
- Portable NES!
- These are crazy... with Manson's (obviously) being the craziest.
- WANT ONE - (Posted into the comments by anonymous. Thanks, stranger.)
- This movie looks cool.
- Dastardly disturbing.
- Simply brilliant design.
WEIGHT - 259
I loved this band.....sadly only one studio album. This is actually one of my favorite songs ever.
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