Man tonight, I'm not feeling it. I just paid a whole lot of money after JUST getting paid and I feel strapped as hell; it's debilitating. It mostly has to do with the recent loss of direct deposit and a change of jobs, meaning money is trickling in.
I need to start canning these things for nights like tonight.
At least the flyers play tonight. Let's hope for a win.
- Ugh....I and America need to start hearing better news.
- Uncle Joe and I like Andrew Sullivan.
- Why we've had enough.
- Greenpeace isn't the same foundation he started anyway.
From Duffman! - Future Shirt recipient!
- Spray Away! It's really mind control potion.
From Iheartmediocrity - Future Shirt recipient!
- I want this job....LOLLERSKATES!
From PsykikShaman
- HAHA....flub.
- I wish the Benny Hill music was playing in the background and it was sped up.
WEIGHT - 262.00 - But Im gaining muscle so I must be losing fat right?
Sour Times
Cuz it's raining out....
Monday, April 28, 2008
Meaningful posts
Posted by
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
General Malaise
I hear from many of people these days about the situation of the world: "This world is already too screwed. Theres no way to fix it, Im just gonna try to enjoy myself while the boat is sinking." This is SUPREMELY troubling to me. I've heard this sentiment more and more over the last 8 years(hmmmmm) and what is so troubling about this is that these are people who know enough to make that assumption. They have paid attention to the world and come to this conclusion. These aren't the people that when you ask, what do you think of the candidate ask you who is running....they know who is running.
To those who speak this way I say don't get placated, get emancipated! Don't quit! Try to change the world instead of sputtering away in it.
Stop acting like a child.
That's all I have to say.
- I usually don't like tattoos, but....
- HAHAHAHA...invisible falling wooly mammoth.
- That's cunning.
- Every director(s) eventually get formulaic...writers too.
- I think you'll find this funny.
- That's a hell of alot.
- If this is true....I'm appalled.
- Jappo?
- Brilliant. I love simplicity in design.
- This is so amazing....and not just for the obvious reason but that it's so well done.
- The whole thing might be fiction.
- This might cause a black hole.
- Yeah that sounds right. There's always a lunatic fanbase.
User Submits
- I don't think I read this the same way as the submitter....or the writer after he read it back for the first time.
-I thought this was a made up word....huh.
Hot Chips
Ready for the Floor
Listen to it 3 times, it wont leave your head. I wake up singing it.
Posted by
Monday, April 21, 2008
Flyers vs. Caps
Go Flyboys!
Where's my links people?
Also I have 2 great submissions for the Shirt Contest.....Only 3 more left. See the previous post for details.
- Doeo!
- I love the world.
- Batman anime trailer!
- Chilling.
- Portishead!
- If it works, which it probably doesn't, how come nobody has snatched this up.
Sorry I dont have more!
WEIGHT - ? - I forgot to check.
F^(K Buttons
Sweet Love for Planet Earth
Yes they're name starts with a curse word, I was skeptical due to that but this kind of music has been right up my alley lately. Live from SxSW.
Posted by
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
This gets me jazzed up people. I love it...keep it coming. And who is this handsome gent?
This is not of my design...There is a limited edition "official" tshirt out there. Contact me if you are interested@ I'll give 5 away to the first five requests(include size). Remember it wont look like this one. Update: You cant be related to me and you promise to spread word to all the land of the sites greatness. FURTHER UPDATE: You must tell me of how you will do so in a gallant, prose-like nature! This is in response to the first submission. All winning submissions will be posted. Remember to send your address.You have until May 26th, Memorial Day to get your submission in.
Now onto the links! ALL USER SUBMITTED!
P.S. Anyone else think the Caveman commercials just Jumped The Shark with this dancing crap?
P.P.S Did anyone actually watch Queen Oprah's Big Give?
FROM (Mr. Irish) *(My own namings, if you want them changed in the future let me know). **Comments his own, mine in RED
- Jack Handey's website has different Deep Thoughts everyday, one of my favorites.
- Israeli scientists have made a computer that can tell if a women is hot, scientifically.
- Site that reviews the newest in work-destroying online games. This is one of my favorites as well.
- If anyone doesn't read McSweeney's, they can go to hell. Words will always be more powerful than pictures and this has bite.
FROM (Patchygrrl) - The Original Middle Name
- It's a changing world I guess. Plasticize it!
FROM (babywetherpants)
- Im sorry, this had me rollin', and I listened to it instead of one of Hillary's responses.
- In remembrance of your dead turtle. I've been fighting off posting this because I find it annoying....What do you guys think?
Good job peoples....lets see more of it.
WEIGHT 259 - And that was before I worked out today
FROM babywetherpants
Band of Horses
Is there a Ghost?
Might be a repeat but its a user suggestion.
N.B. This Post took longer than any I've ever read than maybe the He-Man one. It's also been the most rewarding.
Peace Kids!
Posted by
Monday, April 14, 2008
New Era
Started today at "new job", so it will be tough to continue the links. I need the Thewster communiy's help. You know the links I put up here. I need you guys to help me find them!
Make me proud.
- This is powerful.
- What's he lookin' at?
- Glad it wasn't mine.
- Not that it nice to celebrate these things but I think its time to make my move.
- Not lookin' good for Bushie.
- Buy me these.
- That's ridiculously cute. So's this.
- Why Superman sucks.
- Remember the torture tapes?
- Mathematical!
- The Fifty Greatest Sketches of All Time.
- Artie Lange quits. So sad.
- WalMart helps. Impressive, but, for the love of money. Capitalism at work I guess.
- This is absolutely hilarious to me. This too.
Dave Matthews Band
Say Goodbye
I forgot how much I loved this song
Posted by
Monday, April 7, 2008
Random Thoughts
There's a movie out/coming out called Revolver. It is produced by Luc Besson and directed by Guy Ritchie. It will be in my top ten for this year.
Why is it so hard for me to fall asleep on Sunday nights?
I hate it when people jump ship on a candidate just because of one statement they made in one improvised speech. Why didn't they do that when W was running?
Bluetooth headsets are annoying and pretentious.
I should play more basketball.
Supposedly the stress from writing this thing is going to kill me.
- That's crazy.
- Running the Numbers.
- Every second of this is gold.
- Lots of important names in that headline.
- For Futurama fans.
- That's a horse.
- Surface computing.
- How are these people not told to leave the building? Instead they pay them 150 million for messing up.
- The Feds lie? Say it ain't so!
- Are people stealing your internet?
- Wow. Feminiminism.
- What's the purpose of this?
- What do these kids learn at school? Unreal.
- Bad idea.
- NERDS! HAHA, no, this is cool.
- Bill Richardson on his endorsement for Obama.
- If you know the internets at all, this is hilarious.
WEIGHT - 266.7 - What this is is muscle gain. It has to be because I've been working out everyday for the past 5 days.
Fiona Apple
Across the Universe
Beatles cover. Nice for your crappy Monday.
Posted by
Friday, April 4, 2008
Music Cavalcade Pt. 5
Eddie Vedder
Can't Keep
Pearl Jam
Half Full
Kings of Leon
Slow Night, So Long
Do you see a pattern forming here?
Pearl Jam
Do the Evolution
Animated by Todd McFarlane
Pearl Jam
Yellow Ledbetter
potato wave?
Posted by
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
New Job!
So I have just accepted and offer to work with Lockheed Martin!
This is great news!
Only issue might be that these posts may have to slow down, as I may have to do some actual work at work. Or I can do that at night. We'll see.
<--------------New Poll! Sorry bout this taking so long.
- List of songs deemed inappropriate by Clear Channel after 9/11. Ridiculous.
- Still good people in this world.
- Take the Tightrope.
- Glenn Beck occasionally makes sense.
- That's crazy.
- This could be really great or really bad.
- The end for FoxNews?!?!?
- Great photo series.
- Saudis have a lot of money.
- Monsters!
- Dad sent me this. The end of the Drug War!?!?!?
WEIGHT - 261.2
Yeah Yeah Yeahs
I hope you all like this one. I think you will. *wink* (Also a nice fanmade that is actually one of the weirdest, and greatest, anime shortruns of all time.
Posted by