My turtle died this weekend and I am very sad about it.
- Inconceivable.
- Captain Bicycle.
- Fun game.
- Yikes.
- Check out these great beer reviews. Two Guys On Beer.
- I agree with the sentencing.
- For the love of.....
- Moon landing map.
- Hooray!
- Unreal.
- Famous last words.
- Grand Prismatic Spring in Yellowstone.
- Interesting.
- I thought his face was going to come off.
- Welcome home, boys.
- Who owns all the cars.
- From the superhero movie, this is spot on.
- This guy's great.
- Remember that walking robot from last week? Here's the prototype.
- So?
- Just when I try to start liking Gore again.
- Hilary wasn't lying about being under fire! Video proof!
WEIGHT - 260.2
Fun Lovin' Criminals
Scooby Snacks
Reminds me of high school
Monday, March 31, 2008
Posted by
Friday, March 28, 2008
Music Cavalcade pt. 4
I was in a bad mood this morning and it's been a weird day already so lets see how that affects the playlist.
Iron and Wine
Boy with a Coin
That's a beard
People in Planes
If You Talk Too Much
Directed by Joaquin Phoenix
Understanding (in a car crash)
Screemo....their first album was great....i thought the following ones were garbage.
Limp Bizkit
Jim? Is that you?
Method Man Remixed by Prodigy
Release Yo' Delf
I love this so much
Posted by
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Turtle, turtle
Many of you know I have three turtles. Well, the first one someone bought me then I got the second 2 on my own. They are already officially the oldest pets I have ever had. The first one I got has never grown. He has not grown because he has what is called softshell(leaves them in terrible pain) and he doesn't get to eat because, I found out, the other two bully him for all the food.
Now I think due to this Cooter has been close to deaths door. So I cant stand to just let him die so I took him to the vet. Now this is what I really wanted to tell you about. My roommate was happy I was taking him, but every other person I told laughed at me. My boss, who sucks, laughed to the point where conversation stopped, for like 10 - 15 seconds.
I'm not usually offended but in the time between writing that last paragraph and starting this one my boss came up to me and joked about making turtle soup out of them. Imagine if I came up to you and asked if you were going to make Chinese food out of your sick cat. While I love offensive humor and (i.e.) tasteless Terry Schiavo jokes , I would NEVER tell them to her parents. Not that human= turtle.
Heroes in a half shell.
- I've been telling you Battlestar Galactica is amazing.
- What percentage of military deaths came after "Mission Accomplished"?
- Well at least Bush was genuinely sympathetic....Cheney is just a monster.
- That's crazy.
- Whose pictures do you think this pictures is made out of?
- Man, I must be trying to piss people off today.
- Most controversial political ads in history. I like the LBJ one.
- Real Life Homer. Creepy. Check this Famous Art depicted in the Simpsons.
- That's absurd. But monitor your damn children online!
- These are great.
- How much?
- All South Park episodes. Online. For free. And it's legal!
- And some think I'm geeky for having 2 monitors.
- Beautiful.
- Snake eyes!
- Someone who is a fan of this White House explain this to does this happen?
- Whoa!
- Caste systems.
- Aurora Borealis from space.
- What?!
- Another map of the internets.
- Mary Todd was a bitch.
WEIGHT - Enough where I plan on spending 2 hours at the gym today.
The Raconteurs
Salute Your Solution
New album out yesterday
Posted by
Monday, March 24, 2008
Family Gatherings
Seeing many of my family this Easter Sunday was refreshing for the soul.(Loyal readers too!)
- Maybe the change can come about in the country without us(read:US) getting involved.
- Numbers on the war 5 years in.
- Jackie Chan is the man.
- Pentagon admits it.
- That's a big crater.
- I, for one, welcome our robot overlords.
- Anyone remember Croonchy Stars?
Massive links Wednesday.
WEIGHT - 263.1
Arrested Development
A Game of horseshoes!
Posted by
Friday, March 21, 2008
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Arthur C. Clarke
- SNL is still funny. MacGruber!
- Look what we can do.
- Freedom Boarding.
- St Patrick's jerks.
-Ha ha! Your medium is dying.
- New Philly skyscraper will be tallest in country and hemisphere.
- Obama's wonderful speech.
- Touching.
- That's not good.
- Cool.
- What are we teaching children?! She's a hero, don't punish her.
- This completely expresses my sentiment on these things.
- Is this real?
- Hey! Look at that. Some good news!
- Look what we can do.
- This is frickin' crazy.
- Crzy azns.
WEIGHT - 263 St Pattys Day weekend put a hurtin' on me
The Muppets
Mahna Mahna
Something silly today.
Posted by
Monday, March 17, 2008
St. Patty's Day
Happy St. Patty's Day! Now get outta my bars!
- Look at that thing dance!
- When will you get added?
- Sounds like thought police to me.
- Haha...though number 1 is weak.
- How sad.
- Cool animation.
- Hilarious.
- Actually only one is real but still cool nonetheless.
- Ecto-1!
- Cool.
- This is what the Superman movie should have been like.
- The origin of the Universe.
- You might like this.
- Cool representation.
- Afraid of losing, the GOP is dastardly.
- Awesome news.
- This makes me so angry. I blame the parents.
- I agree on this but he actually dares to use the word Orwellian?! What a loon.
- Cool.
- Haha. Take that, street cred.
- Gross.
- You idiots.
- Oh well, then I guess you'd better stare into the sun.
- Science photos.
Kaki King
Playing with Pink Noise
Reminds me of Rodrigo Y Gabriela.
Posted by
Friday, March 14, 2008
Music Cavalcade Pt. 3
Pure Morning
This whole album is great
Only You
This is directed by Chris Cunningham, one of my favorite video directors...very dark. I hope he starts directing movie soon.
Fatboy Slim
Praise You
This is so great. "We got some b-boy moves, guys."
Beastie Boys
Root Down
This and the one above are directed by Spike Jonze.
Blow Out
This band will be as influential to music over the next 40 years as the Beatles were over the last 40.
Posted by
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Spam. A Lot.
So for the first of the next 100 posts I've been wanting to show you guys a compilation of the best Spam headlines I've gotten lodged in my spam filter. Enjoy:
Sometimes the names are just as great. My comments in blue.
Name || Title
Canaan Zuckovas || Women hate small equipment (like a camcorder?)
Santos Scruggs || Stop feel shy of your device size (your blackberry is more confident than mine)
Shamir Sandberg || All your gay issues solved (Thank heavens! What will happen to the Bravo network?!)
Albert Wilson || Our target is your happy life (Why do you want to destroy it?)
Blanca Haney || Patek Phillipe as low as 229$ (He's cheap!)
brod basil || She will call you Macho (I shall call her Consuela!)
Mohammad Childress || Did you not fix this? (NO!)
There are a ton more that I cant reprint here, as you can imagine.
- The Digital shorts on SNL are almost always hilarious. I lost it at the end of this one.
- The sheer amount of money being wasted(paid to halliburton et al.) saddens me.
- George Carlin.
- One is missing.
- A sea of people by the sea.
- Montel Williams get's it straight. This should go for all news channels. Not just Fox.
- Haha. Celebs if they were poor and midwestern.
- Traffic jams recreated.
- Top ten hubble images.
- Electronic Rubik's Cube.
- I brain zombies.
- Ahhhhhhhhh!
- Now you can see why I do it.
- Great if you are a fan of LOST.
- White rabbit Star Trek. Sulu's face is the best.
- Get bent, dude.
- Wait they' re not even paying taxes?! Now I'm pissed off.
- That's on Mars.
- They flooded the grand canyon.
- Brett Favre through the years.
- The newest boy band. Careful you might catch the bear ass of a comedian.
- Can something be cute AND gross?
- This was very interesting to me.
- Beautiful bridges.
- The evolution of alternative music.
- Yeah, really.
WEIGHT - I forgot to measure. I was running a little late this morning
Jake Shimabukuro
While My Guitar Gently Weeps
At the 3rd minute mark it goes off.
Posted by
Monday, March 10, 2008
This is #100. Do you believe it? Well, do ya, punk?
If you want to see another 100, please watch this.
- speech.
- Atheism's Commandment.
- (NSFW maybe)Hot chicks with Douchebags...I've become a regular reader of this...hilarious and true.
- The Bush Legacy.
- Bottled Whater.
- They seem accommodating.
- Conspiracies that are true!
- (NSFW definitely....also probably not safe for anywhere.) Will Arnett from Arrested Development is a genius. (Update....this was broadcast on MTV....still NSFW. Do you know what station your children are watching?)
- Funny old baseball cards.
WEIGHT - 262.2
Queens of the Stone Age
Little Sister
In honor of lead singer Josh Homme being a guest appearance on ATHF last night.
Posted by
Friday, March 7, 2008
Friday Music Cavalcade - Pt. 2
The Decemberists
The video is fan made and kind of dumb, so just listen.
Suicidal Tendencies
All I wanted was a Pepsi...
Pink Floyd
One of These Days
Might be a repeat but I dont care.
Fiona Apple
Never is a Promise
So bittersweet
James Brown and Pavarotti
This is a Man's World
To take you out...
Posted by
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Go away and do something for your country and not yourself. Thank you.
- St. Joe's Prep quiz.
- Balloon tank.
- Forget how big Alaska is?
- Moses was high?
- Cellphones of the sister will have them as soon as they come out.
- He spent well over a year ON VACATION.
- Subprime mortgage explained in layman's terms. NSFW language
- Jack's faces. Only funny if you watch Lost.
- Great article about how a game can become art.
- Cute OVERLOAD! More.
-That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen.
- Amazing Honda ad. (Morley for the win!)
- Grafitti Artist Bansky.
- That certainly takes a brass set.
- Death Star hotel.
- This made me laugh.
- Sweeeeeeeeeeeet. (Only cool if you are cool(You watch Battlestar Galactica))
- Whoa! Joey Whoa!
WEIGHT - 260.0
This is a fan made video.
Posted by
Monday, March 3, 2008
When people are told by me or someone else I write this blog, they usually express one of three reactions: They are either, genuinely impressed, slightly bemused, or, as best I can describe it, snarky apprehension. The first two are understandable. The first, that maybe that I am writing, or that this thing actually turns a tiny profit. Tiny. The second reaction, they really don't pay attention to blogs, or don't know what they are, which is fine, maybe that gets them to check them out.
But the third one really surprises me. Some people seem to genuinely look down upon it. All blogging. I am curious whether it is in response to a new "nerd fad" or a feeling of jealousy in not doing it themselves. Either way if they don't want to read it they can go take a long walk of a short bridge.
- Stuff White People Like. Hilarious blog about what its titled.
- 6 things we need to see in the Arrested Development movie.
- What?! Why?
- Why aren't we using this in Iraq? If you saw the 60 minutes piece, you'd wonder too.
- Yummy. Bacon cups.
- So explain to me how or why our beautiful system of checks and balances is NOT being honored?
- Gross.
- HAHA. Ass.
- Check it.
- Map of the internetting.
- There are way too many of these types in America. Thank you MTV, for turning a generation into stuck up, selfish, entitled idiots.
- I hope they don't think they are taking that anywhere.
- I hope this isn't true.
- Play all your favorite NES games right in your browser.
- Whoa.
- What a guy.
- Interesting look at the dichotomy of being "American".
- I for one welcome our robotic overlords...
- Terrible...
- Timeline of media misdirection.
- Ahhh, Rick Astley, you are the greatest....Never gonna give, never gonna give...
- That's one way to come into the world.
- Just.....awesome. I wonder if they can do Rick Astley?
Blind Faith
Can't Find My Way Home
This short lived band included Eric Clapton and Steve Winwood
Posted by