So I watched the democratic debate last night which I almost had a chance to go to. I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed watching it. AS I was watching, I worte down some thoughts to share with you here:
The Hilary Clinton mask was the top selling mask for Halloween.
The boys teamed up on her to discredit her....I think ignoring her would be better.
Why is the current administration removing funds from the NIH(National Institutes of Health) and giving it to faith based initiatives?! That makes me nuts.
Walmart fought against inspecting containers that came into the country and now we have all these bad Chinese imports? I think Kucinich made that reference.
Speaking of Kucinich, he said he saw a UFO. Nice. Also, I think he's just in this race to push the impeachment issue out there, not run for office.
Did Biden remove the plugs? I hope so, because he's gonna look bad soon. Also, he's mean.
Edwards did nothing but drawl.
Hilary didn't answer the question about giving Drivers Licenses to Illegals. Even when asked to a second time.
Ron Paul supporters at the Democratic Rally!
Hilary could make a good president, unfortunately she's losing her soul in this race to the prize.
The last thing I thought about as it came to a close was: Could I do this? Could I run for a political office? I think I could. Until my opponent finds this blog and outs my lesbian daughter. Wait....what?
pressin' the flesh,
- True, true.
- This will make your day.
- Sunshine. (Thanks, Mike)
- First ever picture of a tornado. Creepy.
- Oh my gosh.
- Vajayjay has been legitimized.
- These are awesome.
- You read it here first. Check the dates.
- This is great news!
- Rap Snacks!
- Can structures.
- Amazing!
- Lots of cool stuff today.
- I didn't realize history repeated itself so quickly.
- Shopped?
- That's a lot of people.
- It's a cake!
- This guy is hilarious! Lots of bad language.
- Spotted dick! Pork faggots?
- Sooooo, no WMDs? Again?
- Ideal candidate.
The Misfits! Monster Mash!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Spooky Politicians
Posted by
Monday, October 29, 2007
Cold Monday
New Poll!----------------------------------------------------------------->
It's frickin' freezing Mr. Bigglesworth!
Soon I'll have pictures of Halloween for everyone.
- Universities and Colleges are dangerous? Since when did the right start attacking educational institutions?
- Zombie defense.
- Love the view.
- Cheney napping during an emergency cabinet meeting(video).
- Dummy.
- Cool plants.
- The real fairy tales.
- Fox News insinuates that Al Qaeda had something to do with the California Wildfires.
- Debunking 9/11 myths.
- James Madison quotes. My favorite is: "If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy."
- Interesting.
- Pat Buchanan on the money, again.
- Good lord, why don't we just burn them too?
Ingrid Michaelson - I love her voice.
Posted by
Friday, October 26, 2007
Real quick: Looks like reads Thewster....notice the date. (thanks, iheartmediocrity)
This weekend is the big "party" weekend for Halloween. I love this season...World Series, changing leaves, cooler temps, HALLOWEEN.
My last 3 costumes: A prisoner(blech), the dude from The Big Lebowski(great), and Spongebob Squarepants(Awesome). This year I will be a gladiator! I will yell, "This. Is. Sparta." As much as possible and annoy EVERYBODY. I can't wait. Throw your recent costumes into the comments page.
One thing is starting to disturb me though. While we all know Halloween for many twentysomething ladies to dress slutty(no objection, here), it's starting to permeate to the younger crowd and this is a bit disturbing. Evidence:
Am I right or overreacting?
Tonight I Dine. IN HELL!
- Cool gallery.
- World's Most Expensive Scotchs?....scotchi?...scotches....there it is.
- If you are not outraged, you're not paying attention.
- Bubblewrap!
- Oh man....
- NEWSFLASH! Politicians lie.
- Debt society is ruining America.
- Made. My. Day.
- Pikachu's a female?!?!
- Interesting.
- Hahahaha. Savvis center.
- This is not free speech.
- Creepy.
- That's crazy.
Old School Fridays Presents...... PM Dawn!
PM Dawn - Set Adrift On Memory Bliss
Add to My Profile | More Videos
Posted by
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Survey: What would you save in a fire?
Okay, suggested by a reader, what five things would you save from your place of residence if there was a fire?
1. The big TV. (That thing's expensive!)
2. My computer. (Also expensive and not paid off yet!)
3. My papers. ("What was in the trunk? Papers. Business papers. And what do you do, sir? I'm unemployed.")
4. I have a thing with sentimental crap like my high school ring, stuff like that.
5. DVD case. (Screw the clothes, I need a new wardrobe anyway.)
Put your top five in the comments. I EXPECT frequent commenters to contribute!
Stopping, Dropping, and Rolling,
- I actually like Pat Buchanan.
- I may have posted this....AZN cars!
- 10 reasons gay marraige should be banned.
- Cool gorilla "thing".
- Graffiti humor.
- Now I can say, "Lipton, you pimp!", and mean it.
- Get mad! (Government site.)
- The beginning of the robot rebellion!
- First person view of 56 rollercoasters.
- Calvin and Hobbes is the most perfect thing ever. Just look at my icon.
- You never learn if you don't fall down.
- So this means the Bush administration made America less safe for political gain. Period.
- End rendition.
- This war will dominate the beginning of many peoples lives.
- Cool cakes.
- Stop teen pregnancy!
- Calm down people. You know how many drawings of stick figures with guns I made at that age? This is ridiculous.
- Rockfish. Awesome animation.
- No time for love, Dr. Jones.
- Graffiti couch.
- All the book covers for HG. Wells' War of the Worlds since its first edition. Had this one. This one is my favorite.
Guaranteed to make you happy: Toots and the Maytals with Pressure Drop. (Couldn't find my favorite version of the song by the Specials)
Posted by
Monday, October 22, 2007
Unmatched Socks...
Can't stop sneezing. Allergies are great.
What's wrong with the Eagles? I can't fathom it. They might need a shakeup.
Why did I just hear about Tara Reid? Didn't she officially go away?
Getting up in the dark is the worst. It reminds me I spend most of my day in artificial light.
I enjoy family parties. I wish there were more. Happy birthday, Julia.
If you're not enraged, you're not paying attention.
Isn't it amazing that companies actually build there products to break, so you'll buy again. That's crooked to me.
Throw out those unmatched socks, their mates ain't coming back.
Mumbling away,
- What a BS study.
- Want one!
- This is hilarious.
- Optical illusion.
Reader Submissions
- Oh my! Scary foods. (Thanks Casey)
- This is a famous internet meme. The guy is great. (Casey again!)
- Is this funny? (SHAMAN)
- Mirror prank. (I forgot who sent me this, remind me so I can credit you.)
- People Falling Down. (Stairatme)
There's a reason they're called The Band...
Posted by
Friday, October 19, 2007
Rodrigo y Gabriela Concert Review
First poll------------------------------------------------------->
Last night, some friends and I attended the Rodrigo y Gabriela concert at the Electric Factory in Philadelphia. I'm kind of hot and cold on the EF as a venue. Alcohol is too expensive, but the upstairs is nice. Unfortunately if you are under 21 you cannot enter the upstairs, which is a shame. As far as sound quality, there's only one place to be and that's directly in front of the stage.
The crowd was docile going in; a mixed crowd of all ages. Actually I have to say that it was probably the most diverse crowd I've ever seen at a show. The show didn't sell out in the slightest, which surprises me because these two are Philly favorites thanks to 88.5 WXPN. That's not to say the attendees weren't enthused either. These were diehard fans.
The Alex Skolnick Trio opened. Too mellow for that big venue. Their instrumental acid jazz would have been better suited to a small club. Everyone milled around and barely afforded minor applause. They were there for something else.
On to the main act. Rodrigo y Gabriela are and acoustic guitar duo from Mexico. They started off in the heavy metal scene in the nineties, but quit that to play acoustic heavy-metal inspired flamenco music. They weren't trying to be successful but their current manager asked them to go on a tour of Ireland and they took off from there.
As soon as RodGab took the stage the crowd went nuts. Gabriela pounded the guitar rythmically and hypnotically, edifying Rodrigo's lead picking. Many were dancing and dont get me wrong, I love to see people dance at a concert and I will often break into dance myself, but this was ridiculous. The several in front of us were spastic, elliciting Elaine comparisons.
A trained ear or a fan could catch, throughout the night, Metallica songs peppered into the flamenco stylings. It was a nice treat.
The duo only plays instrumental and never sings, but the crowd is the vocalist as in a performance of Wish You Were Here.
The audience participation is off the charts, with intricate clapping sessions backed by Gabriela's thump-strum.
Rodrigo switched his guitar into electric for a couple of passages that was so seamless that it could hardly be noticed.
The requisite closing of the show with their cover of Stairway of Heaven, which, done by ANYONE else would be hokey, but with RodGab, you see why the song is delicate and sweet, which Led Zeppelin could never accomplish.
This was my second Rodrigo y Gabriela show and I won't be missing another.
Proof! Tamacun!
Spastically Dancing,
- Was warrentless wiretapping in place before 9/11?
- Crazy smart dog.
- Shopped?
- That makes sense...
- Haha Jim sent me this on my birthday...wait for the sound.
- Everyone loves Bill-O. And Anne Coulter. Seriously? People think she's hot?!
- That's hot.
- Creepy and Beautiful.
- So neat... We're actually looking back through time.
- More evidence for Monday's post that Tuesday is, truly, a bitch.
- Here are some links on the disgusting phenomenon known as Blowouts, or Jersey Guidos(NSFW sound). I still can't believe that exists. (oh, that last link was obviously a lampoon.)
- This is amazing.
- Heehee.
It's Friday....that must mean Old School Fridays!
The Original!
Posted by
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Today is my birthday. Thanks to all sending greetings!
So far my favorite one was happy birthday sung to the Oscar Meyer Weiner song and also this:
I don't know what going whole hog is, but I want to learn....badly.
and this.
On to other things....
I'm generally a centrist person, as far as my political viewpoints go. I'm viewed as a liberal due to the fact that America is so polarized that you're either one or the other. I've been trying to understand conservative viewpoints lately. I mentioned in an earlier post that I had been looking for a decent conservative voice and I found Glenn Beck who is pretty decent. I've been listening to lotsa conservative opinions and I noticed one continuous vein: That you need to let people fail, and that everyone needs to make it on their own. I agree that the failing in many respects teaches us to fight to live(what does not kill us...), but who of us has not gotten by with a little help, especially me.
We need to understand that we are our brother's keeper and we need to take care of each other. We cannot LET each other fail. I had some rough patches in my life, and if I weren't "bailed out" more than I should have been, I probably wouldn't have succeeded as I am, and I am thankful for the help I got. Many conservatives think the free market and capitalism can solve all ills, but I contend that capitalists are too concerned with just their shareholders and not stakeholders. Human capital is still just capital to them. It's unfortunate.
We all go together to the future or we don't go at all.
dirtday boy,
- These vandals need to be put away!
- I'm very excited about this.
- Come on... seriously? The vatican is saying this?
- Weird ass Japan cookies...
- Cool. Also cool.
- Weird Trees.
- I hope this isn't true. I used to have a direct link to MSNBC reporting it but that disappeared. I wonder why? More.
- Come on.... Let's do this to Iran... It'll be great.
- Chickens.
- Poor dogs. I like the motorcycle one.
- Egg art.
- Okay seriously. Orwell's predictions are getting eerie.
- Want one!
- Cirque de Soliel performances.
- I think this is stained glass, which is awesome.
- One or two of these are ingenious.
- Awesome street drummer.
- Internet Radio based on color.
- Cool. Bateman.
- Awesome.
- Some of my favorite quotes.
The Flaming Lips
I thought it was a virtue in always bein' cool.
Posted by
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Blog change
Hey all...I've decided to reduce the amount of posting due that I put a lot of content down everyday and it can overwhelm those that dont read everyday. Were gonna be looking at every other day here, but I am going to abandon the "absolutely must post every weekday" thing.
Ok later.
Lazy as hell,
Posted by
Monday, October 15, 2007
Case of the Mundays.
You know what? I have NO problem with Monday. The effects of a weekend are still upon you. The horrid realization of how long it will be until the next weekend hasn't hit yet. People usually straggle in to the office so it's quiet. Tuesday is suck day to've had time to realize how long a day can be again and how much further you have to go.
What do you guys think? Worst day? Am I off my rocker? I hope so...
Corporate Accounts Payable, Nina speaking...just a moment,
- That's nuts.
- Baseball fans will understand this hilarity...
- Hilarious....hump-catting.
- Impressive and watermelony.
- WHAT?!
- For a pair of jeans? That's disgusting.
- Mind-bending murals.
- This cracked me up.
- The United States of North America?
- Student debt is out of control! Cut it out.
- Collection of interesting 404(not found) pages on the web.
- Scumbag.
- Amazing photos.
- Niiiiiiice.
- Funny airline ad war.
- Ain't it the truth.
- Change or die.
- That's ginormous! Look at the wheels!
- 5 and 7 are my favorites. (Thanks SHAMAN)
- They believe in their product. (Thanks Kelli)
Outkast - I think this is one of the best songs of all time.
Posted by
Friday, October 12, 2007
I HATE money...
cuz I never have enough.
- Cool commercial.
- Thats not art.
- Pictures of people in turnstiles.
- America went shopping.
- This place looks great.
- Beautiful.
- Stop them! They dare to feed the homeless! (Update)
- If you like Graffiti, this is the location archive.
- Cold.
- Big Brother is here.
- This guy is sick on the acoustic gee-tar.
- Has MacGruber jumped the shark?
- Well? Which is it?
- Cassini. Beautiful.
- This might be getting out of hand.
- I guess this contradicts those who make the blanket statement: "Muslims want to kill us."
- Al Gore? What peace did he bring about? Nobel Peace Prize has jumped the shark.
- Ann Coulter spouting hate. Really this is despicable. The transcript is there. My favorite line: COULTER: Yeah. You have to obey.
- Why is the first lady the only one mentioning this injustice?
- Cool Haiku site.
- I almost didn't post this its so disturbing(maybe NSFW).
- What does it feel like to die?
- Cool. Wii cake.
- Not a link but I thought I'd share that someone in my office is actually typing on a typewriter.
- Toilet house.
- Car-financing 101.
- 1,000 for one album.
- High altitude jacuzzi.
- Weird ass cars.
Okay, I think that's enough.
Rob Base and DJ E-Z Rock
Posted by
Thursday, October 11, 2007
...Some of the People,Some of the Time...
No post today, big link post tomorrow... PLUS its Old School Friday!
Sarah McLachlan - Adia
Posted by
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
There IS a revolution coming. Politicians are getting older and more out of touch. They can't keep up with the youth of this country that stands more informed than any ever. That's why this article sent to me by reader A', interested me. Go here and read, it's not long.
What interested me was that the author says that Generation Q is too quiet politically. Interesting idea, but I don't think that's quite correct. He claims that the politicians of today do not hear our voices as we don't cry out for change in public, that Bloggers, like me, our voices aren't being heard.
The revolution will not be televised. Change especially in this bogged down political system does not happen over night. We, Generation Q, know this. We know youth is largely ignored. Whether people like it or not , the internet and instant communication will be our future. The information revolution is in full swing and we've decided to leave behind those who won't adapt. 25 years from now, those of GQ will be leading society.
We're being quiet because we're leaving the current, corrupted mindsets behind. You can't teach an old dog new tricks. We're taking them to the woods, pushing them out of the car and driving off.
- Thanks for keeping us safe, government.
- The Texas Rangers are really good, right?
- It's a kid for crying out loud.
- Mr. 9/11.
- This is a free nation, not a christian one.
- Pay what you think is fair for the new Radiohead album. (It's beautiful by the way.)
Haha, I was gonna put a politically charged song, bu there's this instead.
Note: The song was used in George H. W. Bush's campaign in the 1988 U.S. presidential election until McFerrin (Who was a Democrat) objected, and the campaign desisted.
Posted by
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
The Color Gray
As I sit in my office cubicle I am bombarded by one thing: the color gray. I despise this color. I despise its blandness, use and misuse.
Let me name the things in my prefurnished cubicle that are gray or its close cousin, beige:
The cabinets
The drawers
The phone
The lamp
The ceiling
The laptop
The mouse
The desk surface
The carpet(mostly)
I spend 8 hours a day surrounded and engulfed in the color gray. Is it really good for productivity? I think gray just stifles the mind.
As far as the world being in black and white, it's not. Stop kidding yourself. It would be nice and easy to solve all the world's problems if the world were black and white. No, we have to reside in this "gray area". It signals recursive compromise. Who wants that, especially in the "gimme-now" America. (side note: I am tired of smelling the guy's aftershave in the next cubicle, it's probably called "Gray for Men")
People with gray hair are almost automatically branded as old, regardless. (Does not apply to George Clooney)
You cant spell it either grey or gray, further establishing its indecisiveness and banality.
The only real positive thing I could find on wikipedia was "grey matter" which we know means your brain, which I like. My brain I mean.
Painting a picture, 40 shades of gray,
Holy crap, I just looked at the list of links I have reserved to show you guys and it's long as hell. I'm going to split it up and tomorrow will be just political links. Fun stuff only today!
- Cool cars that never made it to America.
- The best inventions of 2007.
- Dummy.
- It's amazing to see how much .edu has to offer.
- I hate bugs.
- That prairie dog's about to get very serious. Oh noes! Too late!
- N. Koreans is cray zee.
- Ever see giraffes fight before? This is insane.
- This is what the romantic guy thinks, rather than the ones trying to get into your pants.
Do you guys have any requests?
I present: DAFT PUNK!
directed by Michel Gondry (my favorite, he directed Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind)
Posted by
Monday, October 8, 2007
Quiet Monday
With the Phillies swept.....
And the Eagles on their bye week....
And I don't know anyone on the flyers this year save Gagne....
Philly sports is a cruel mistress.
- Won't debate, huh?
- I love these...
- Graffiti can be beautiful.
- Space art.
- Make sure you check all five.
- This reminds me of madballs a little.
- Good advice.
- This is how it starts.
- How terribly, terribly sad.
- I gave 'em 10 bucks. Honestly.
People in Planes - I love this ones heard of them(practically).
Posted by
Friday, October 5, 2007
MMMmmmmmm lime gum...
Yes, I wrote that headline immediately after putting a piece of lime gum in my mouth. And I don't have enough for everyone!
Remember Trapper Keepers? You were issued one if you were born in the years 1977 - 1983. Remember their spacey virtual reality designs? I assure you they are no longer the same. For example, look at the cover of the one on their front page. It says "Hey, I'm always right!" on it. Nice. That's the reinforcement children need in their learning stages.
But what I truly remember of the TK, is that they didn't work. Kids would carry them around with papers hanging out of them. I remember seeing many a TK corpse lying in a trash bin or the floor of a bathroom, its plastic covering ripped off, its once quasi futuristic designs nowhere to be seen. These things always died violent deaths, like they were torn apart by wild dogs. You'd have to imagine it was the kid who was so fed up with his Screech flavored Trapper Keeper that he tore it to shreds in angst. Poor thing.
These things never made it through a year of school. Ever. Then you'd go back to normal folders and binders that you should have used in the first place. You know the kind with the Lamborghinis on them. Or porsches. Or Care Bears......Ahem.
Ok, have a good weekend, folks. See ya Monday.
BONUS!: Puffy Stickers!!!
Just a couple of reader submissions today.
- Playing video games must be impossible. (Thanks Casey)
- Hooray science! (Vinny)
I'm gonna go with old school rap Fridays from now on. Chastise me if I forget.
Lets get you pumped for the weekend. You can't beat that with a bat.
Black Sheep
Posted by
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Not About Baseball...
Hey folks, the Phils lost yesterday and that's all I'm going to say about that. Series at 0-1.
REQUEST: To those who know me, I'm looking for a digital picture of myself. One that looks almost like as ID picture but further back. Oh and it will help if I don't look like a monster or ridiculous in it either. Thanks in advance.
Okay. Here goes. Check this out. See you in a few.
At what point did Political Correctness make a giant leap back into the hearts and minds of America. Remove Halloween? Who is that offending?
It seems, as far as this article details, no one has complained about Halloween. Or Christmas. Halloween, while based in a PAGAN tradition hundreds of years ago, is devoid of any religious meaning now. Thanks to the christian right and Janet Jackson, we are so worried about offending anyone that we have become a blase little shell of a community. We can't include some so we exclude all.
Hey blind people can't watch fireworks so lets cancel those. Deaf people can't hear music, so no more of that. Stephen Hawking can't drive a car. Later, cars!
Actually I wouldn't mind going back to the PC crazy world of the early nineties. Then I can use words like vertically challenged again. And isn't Phil Spector just as follically challenged as bald people?
UPDATE: Im glad they listened.
- Speaking of midgets...
- I'm curious if this place is a target for terrorists?
- That looks sweet, not sour.
- Haha. I didn't know lesbo was a slur.
- Yeah, but what kind of robot does it transform into?
- Great list for young men. Actually this is too...
- Now this I agree with...
- HAHA. People were so dumb back then.
- Little Mac. This was my desktop for a LOOOOOOOOOOOONG time.
- Perfect.
SOMEONE complained about the Bjork here's another one. Do you see what happens when you meet a stranger in the alps!?
Posted by
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Goodness! I taste delicious!
Some of you won't think this is funny, but to me this is one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Stick with it in the fast and slo mo versions. It was on the blog in the link sections before, but thanks to Gina for reminding me.
Posted by
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Droopy McCool
If you know who Droopy McCool is, you are a nerd.
Ugh. I stayed up until 11:30-45 last night watching the Rockies and the Padres duke it out to see who faces the Phillies. It was the 13th and neither team had scored a run in about 5 innings. Boring, I wanted to go to sleep, but I put so much time into watch a non Philadelf game.
Needless to say I shut my eyes figuring I would hear any progress. Let me tell you what, the sound of a baseball game that I wasn't emotionally invested in put me to sleep better than anything I've ever experienced. Well, except for one other thing.
Okay, lots of links today and A NEW POLL!
2 outs in the ninth,
Political in case you want to skip them
- This is shocking.
- Ooooooo we're so close. Just one more push!
- Does anyone know for godsakes?!
- Giuliani needs to shutup. $9.11(I know, not his idea)
- FoxNews. Do they actually report anything other than their own opinions?
- I like Slick Willie.
- Thats a lot of money and I want Mars!
Sorry bout that... I had some backup
- Sweet Dee! My eyes!
- Astronomy!
- I'm not sure if this is awesome or ugly.
- Atta boy!
- Want one!
- This is all the internet is good for.
- Tom Cruise building '£5m bunker to protect against alien attack. I have nothing to add.
- That pisses me off.
- Beautiful.
- Wasn't that the lizard from the beginning of NBA Jam?!
- Holy crap that's funny. (Regcrusher)
- Something to aspire to, I guess. (Thanks, Colin)
The Winner of the much maligned Thewster! the Musical inaugural vote off.
Posted by