Have a good Labor day everyone; I leave you with the Warrior.
DONT! Find them your damn self!
No, that's mean. Here you go...
Friday, August 31, 2007
Ultimate Warrior!
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Thursday, August 30, 2007
Human Cannonball
Did you see they are bringing back American Gladiators? It will only be cool if they bring back Nitro and Zapp and Gemini and Malibu. AND Joe Theismann! Supposedly it will be more of a reality show. Booooooooooooooooooo. Gladiator, READY!
Also, on TV, Family Guy will be doing a Star Wars special. I am very excited for this, and you can check out 10 minutes below. It's not great quality but hell its funny.
lazily postin'
- Another space station shot. (Thanks Sean)
- This is a video a fan made, great editing, beautiful song, and Chuck Bronson!
- This can't be real.
- Cool site for retro stuff, articles are a little weak though. You'll get a kick out of it for 10 minutes. Remember Book-It!
- Neat!
- It's amazing when intelligent people speak on things they know, it makes sense, but no one listens. But when Leonardo DiCaprio makes a movie about the environment, everyone listens.
- What a jerk.
My Morning Jacket
- I can't say enough how much I love this band. As it goes with any band I love, their energy is boundless. Ive seen them twice, and I refuse to ever miss another show. I'm going to go ahead and put up 2 videos here, because I couldn't pick. And 'cause I do whatever I want. Punk.
Posted by
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
You got the touch.
I don't know if you've seen The Transformers movie. I mean the good one that's animated and not directed by crappy Michael Bay. The one where Optimus dies. And was Orson Wells last movie. And starred Judd Nelson. And Jazz doesn't die. And Megatron actually turns into a gun. And Starscream and Megatron go at it for leadership. I could go on and on about why it is the superior Transformers movie right now, and probably for all time. But let me show you the major reason for it's supremacy:
Is it just me or does Stan Bush actually look like Michael Bay? Coincidence?
Now that you have all had your faces melted, let me explain to you why the new CGI Transformers SUCKS:
- Jazz, the "black" robot dies first. (Racist Robots!)
- Optimus Prime actually says "my bad".
- Bumblebee is not a VW.
- It was one giant car ad. Oh yeah, and there's a Mountain Dew transformer that quenches your extreme thirst!
- The transformers are not really fleshed out, you could care less if they lived or died.
- The new designs for the transformers are to "busy", for example, old Jazz, and new Jazz, brought to you by Pontiac Solstice.
- This is Megatron?!
- Optimus Prime has lips!!
- Speaking of that, one thing about many directors is that they like to put themselves into every movie they make. I think the only one that should have ever been allowed to do it is Alfred Hitchcock. Michael Bay is one of these directors. I didn't see him in the movie anywhere, so I got to thinking.
Big noses, wide mouths? Sweet merciful crap he made himself Optimus Prime!
I'm so disgusted about this. I hope there are no more movies or the series is rebooted like they are doing with The Hulk.
Im out.
Just One. Vick's jury has been selected. (Thanks, Barb)
Pearl Jam
This is the greatest thing I've ever seen performed. Many of you know these guys are my favorite band, but this cover of an unknown band still gives me chills every time I watch it.
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Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Stupid Human Tricks
My sister sent me this article about diapers. Check it out then come on back.
Back yet?
Ok, so I get it. You're trying something different to raise your child. Because, even though you were raised with a diaper by your loving mother (or father) and you turned out alright, you are determined to make your baby pooping champion of the world.
Some say they were inspired by observing the practice in third world countries where they cannot afford diapers. I'm sure those babies are doing well fighting off starvation as well.
"Isis Arnesen, 33, of Boston, has a 14-week-old daughter, Lucia, who is diaper-free. She said it can be awkward to explain the process to people, such as when she helped Lucia relieve herself in a sink at a public restroom." Excuse me ma'am. Why is your baby peeing where we all wash our hands? I could imagine that's hard to explain, Isis.
This ridiculousness reminds me of the story of the two parents who were vegan and forced their NEWBORN to do the same. Personally, I think the death of their son is punishment enough. It's like some people take on silly fads just to stand out, especially when it has to do with their kids.
You know where to find the best parenting advice? From your own family.
- I love space shots. (Thanks, Sean)
- Fight, team, fight!
- Congrats, senator.
- I am a HUGE Calvin and Hobbes fan...strips like this are why.
- Interesting.
- Zombie heroes!
- Here's an exapmple of West Virginia's finest parent. Triadelphia? (Thanks Kelli)
Kings of Leon
This band is awesome. They started off as a church group as youngin's which, I think, gave them an interesting direction for the band as it is. This is one of their more Fighty McFightFight songs.
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Monday, August 27, 2007
Big link day, plus I think YouTube is down.
- That's bad. That's embarrassing to humans.
- Hee hee.
- NAMBLA's favorite book.
- Sweet Boat.
- So sad. We gotta get rid of these things.
- You know, with this kind of idiot rationality you could say no Einstein, no A-Bomb. Anne Coulter needs to be shot out of a cannon into space.
- Chomp, chomp.
- It's a good thing Bush just removed most restrictions on this.
- Hole punch art is cool.
- Dude, just stick to Bingo.
- Awesome shot.
- This cracked me up, and I'll probably be the only one.
- Impressive.
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Friday, August 24, 2007
Dog bit me hard....
No its not another Vick post...I'm hungover as hell so just some smoothing Massive Attack for you:
Is that the opening song to House?
Watch the Daily Show video at the bottom.
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Thursday, August 23, 2007
Vick Puppy Club
THERE'S A NEW POLL...vote suckers!
They had a guy on ESPN yesterday who said Michael Vick has already suffered enough for imposing rape on dogs, killing them, and running a fighting ring....He has a mother the guy says...
I thought that was pretty bad until they had Stephon Marbury on commenting that he thought dog-fighting was a sport. A sport?! Wonderful....scumbag.
Anybody else feel that if Vick hadn't pleaded guilty he would have recieved NO jail time?
I think him and his accomplices should be subject to the same torture these dogs went through because to me these acts are unconscionable and show a more deep rooted sickness in any who attain enjoyment for participating in this debasement.
Update: Vengeance of the puppy world!
-WANT ONE! Honestly, if anyone who knows me wants to buy me a gift for birthday/Halloween, you will be my friend forever.
-Actually this would be pretty cool too.
-What a shame!
-I love the Non Sequitor comic strip.
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Wednesday, August 22, 2007
We should sue Disney for misrepresenting the social activities of cute, furry, animals. All I know is, I bought a hamster and he has yet to organize a rescue organization. Harumph! Maybe if I get four turtles and a rat...
-I cannot wait until space travel becomes affordable; I'll probably be 90.
-Wait. So it's not the daily cheese steaks and double big gulps?
-I call Bullshit.
-Can we take out the French while we're at it?
-It's not that I hate FoxNews, it's that I hate all the media outlets, Fox is just the worst.
Sigur Ros
Such reserved power. Beautiful and ethereal. Listen for yourself:
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Monday, August 20, 2007
Updates! Get your hot updates!
I completed the He-Man list. It's down below in the original post. Check it out
-Where's Jar jar?
-Clearly they deserve it
Listening to: Silversun Pickups
I love their male/female vocalization, reserved entensity and the thick wall of sound.
This video is evidence of the crazy signals girls throw at guys. Just let us know!
Posted by
Friday, August 17, 2007
Master of the Universe!!!!
He-Man was the greatest, I had tons of the action figures when I was a kid. (In fact there's a container in my closet filled with them right now! Don't tell anyone.) They were my favorite toys at my youngest before I found Lego. Here I present to you my top ten He-Man Figures.
10. Modulok
Modulok was awesome because you could rearrange all of his body parts to make him look like whatever you wanted, including putting his head(s) on his feet. He even had a removable ass! Points deducted because I lost every damn piece as soon as I got him.
9. Kobra Kahn
See, these figures were a break through in action figure design because you could stand them up without touching them (G.I. Joe's just flopped around like rag dolls), they came with awesome weapons and they brought around innovative ideas to each one. Kobra Khan shot mist out of his FACE! Ridiculous.
8. Leech
Leech was like Kobra Kahn's little brother but just a tad more awesome. he had this button in the back that when you pressed his suction cup face onto something smooth and pressed the button he would stick to the surface. This obviously turned into the greatest bath toy of ALL TIME.
7. Mossman
There were several figures that came out that didnt do anything but were made from a different texture, which most often made them cool(let us not speak of the cuddly Grizzlor). Here is my favorite:
There's nothing like a fuzzy action figure.
6. Hordak
Some of you may recognize Hordak as She-Ra's(He-Man's sister) enemy, but he eventually started duking it out with He-Man. Let's face it, She-Ra was just to get the girls into action figures. Hordak was just bad ass. There were no special powers but he had a sweet ass crossbow and looked like a futuristic Nosferatu.
5. Sy-clone
The dude looked like a blue He-man on acid. Essentially this guy had a little wheel on the back of his belt that you would spin, and his upper torso would spin pretty fast. I remember setting all the bad guys up, then Sy-Clone would take them all out. Now with more spinning action!
4. Roboto
Roboto had a clear torso that displayed all of his roboty innards, and had different weapons you could pop onto the end of his arm. That doesn't seem too great. That's because I didn't tell you that the roboty innards actually moved and worked when you would move his arms and waist. Gimmicky? Maybe but it looked freakin' cool.
3. Thunder-Punch He-Man
Finally! The Master of the universe has made it onto the list(we'll see him again as well). I chose not to include a "normal" he-man because there were better ones out there. With this figure, you would put a "cap ring" into his back, and when you made the punching motion, you would get the loud bang. Until you lose the cover for the back. :(
Im showing you the back because the front looks like normal He-Man. Plus I know you like to stare at his ass. Weirdo.
2. Rio Blast
Okay, he should probably be number one, but I'll explain that later. Rio Blast was sweet. Let me list-within-a-list you why:
- He was a cowboy
- He looked like Chuck Norris "Official king of the internet"
- 7, count-em 7 guns, including one that popped out of his chest! (He kept his heart somewhere else, or he didn't need one
This dude gets all the chicks. 7 guns!
Drum roll please....
1. Battle Armor He-Man
This took the top spot for me for several reasons. There were no pieces to lose. That's always a plus. As far as your imagination would take you as a kid, without breaking them, you action figures would never show evidence of the massive battles you put them through. This changed that. He had a barrel in his chest that would twist to look like He-Man would take a hit when you tapped it in. There were three stages: no damage, one hit, and two hits. Skeletor(sadly missing from this post, but always an essential figure, had a version too.
Okay, I'm done. Im thinking about doing a list of the five worst because there are some real stinkers(literally) out there.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
The Abdication of Intellectual Responsibility
This will be a serious post today. I took the title from an article written 2 years ago from Esquire magazine, called Greetings From Idiot America, written by Charles P. Pierce. It's a bit of a long read, but I challenge you to read it and let me know what you think in the comments section(let us know who you are).
As far as my stance, many of you already know how I feel about religious hysteria and the attack on reason perpetuating itself in this country from speaking with me previously. There are two culprits in this folly, those using it for an agenda, and those who accept it in the abdication of intellectual responsibility. Some would say you lead a happier life if you just don't talk about the difficult things. Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is a valid goal, right?
Let's discuss the facts, lets champion science and intellectualism, and let's have the wisdom to know that we know nothing, but that it shouldn't stop us from trying to figure it all out.
OK, I'm all done proselytizing. Promise.
Im going to try to include in every couple of posts, or however I see fit, what music I'm listening to, or what movies I just saw. That way you can tell me I'm crazy and that my choices stink.
Music: Grace Potter and the Nocturnals
Movie: Actually, its a series. Any SciFi fan will be enamored:
Battlestar Galactica: The Series
Here's some random links:
-Amazin' staircase.
-This will be either the worst movie ever or the best - Jurassic Park 4?
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Wednesday, August 15, 2007
So I thought I'd give you a little more bang for your buck for the first day up(check below for the first one):
Links! Sweet links!
-woot - check it everyday for truly awesome deals on electronics. Thing is they only have one item a day and its only on sale that day.
-Interesting Social Grafitti
-Awesome shot of the Perseid meteor shower from last weekend
That's all for today folks, I gotta spread the genius out.
AND I SPELLED FIRST LIKE THAT ON PURPOSE! Its a reference to blogging, kinda.
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This will officially begin my blogging career. Let it be tumultuous! and hopefully rife with lucrative shoe deals. Look forward to more and more, hopefully daily.
For today, I leave you a quote on liberty:
"If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear." - George Orwell
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